A map entitled the Edgewood Borough Zoning Map[1] is hereby adopted as part of this chapter. The official Zoning Map shall be used for all determinations, and is kept on file and available for examination at the Borough offices. All approved changes to zoning districts shall be promptly recorded on the Official Zoning Map by the Zoning Officer.
Annexed and indeterminate areas. Any territory hereafter annexed, or gained by discovery, or subject to indeterminate zoning through mapping error, is considered as zoned R-1A Residential District.
District boundaries. District boundaries that are shown between the lines of streets, streams and transportation rights-of-way shall be deemed to follow the center line. The vacation of streets shall not affect the locations of such district boundaries. When the Zoning Officer cannot definitely determine the location of a district boundary by such center lines, by the scale of dimensions stated on the Zoning Map or by the fact that it clearly coincides with a property line, the Officer shall refuse action. The Zoning Hearing Board, upon appeal, shall interpret the location of the district boundary with reference to the scale of the Zoning Map and the purpose set forth in all relevant provisions of this chapter.
Permitted uses, conditional uses and special exceptions. The permitted uses, conditional uses and special exceptions for each district are shown in the following tables of this chapter and are considered principal uses unless clearly noted. Conditional uses may be granted or denied by the Borough Council with the advice of the Planning Commission in accordance with the express standards and criteria of this chapter. In granting a conditional use, the Borough Council may attach reasonable conditions, as they may deem necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter and safeguard the neighborhood. Special exceptions may be granted or denied by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the express standards and criteria of this chapter. In granting a special exception, the Zoning Hearing Board may attach reasonable conditions and safeguards as it may deem necessary to implement the purpose of this chapter and protect the neighborhood. Uses in each category shall be according to the common meaning of the term or according to definitions set forth in Article VII.
If the Zoning Officer cannot determine that any proposed use of land is provided for within any district or is not substantially similar to any defined use allowed in the same district he shall refuse action. In the R-1A, R-1B, R-2 and T-1 Districts, any use not specifically listed in the authorized uses for the zoning district shall not be permitted in that zoning district. In the P-1, C-1 and C-2 Districts, any use not specifically listed in the authorized uses for the zoning district shall not be permitted in that zoning district, unless such use is authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board as a use by special exception. The authority for the Zoning Hearing Board to grant approval of a use which is not specifically listed in the authorized uses for a zoning district as a use by special exception shall be limited to those uses which meet the applicable express standards and criteria for "comparable uses not specifically listed" specified in § 200-76G of this chapter.
The following regulations shall apply:
Accessory uses or structures which are customarily accessory to principal structures or uses which are authorized as conditional uses or uses by special exception shall be permitted as accessory uses by right.
In the R-1A and R-1B Districts, a single-family dwelling shall be the only principal structure on the lot and there shall be no more than one dwelling unit on a lot, unless occupancy of an apartment accessory to a single-family dwelling as authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.
In any case where multiple family dwellings exist or are proposed, more than two dwelling units may occupy the same lot and more than one townhouse building or apartment building may occupy the same lot, subject to other regulations regarding density, number of dwelling units per building, and setbacks.
In the T-1, C-1, C-2 and P-1 Districts, two or more nonresidential uses may occupy the same building and two or more nonresidential buildings may occupy the same lot, provided, in each case, all applicable requirements for each of the buildings or uses can be met on the lot.
In all zoning districts, all accessory structures shall be located on the same lot with the principal structure to which they are accessory.
Unless otherwise specified, for purpose of transitions between zoning districts or major thoroughfares, all regulations within a particular district shall be uniform within that district, independent of location within the Borough.
Those developments that build into the design of the building(s) water storage tanks, cisterns, rain gardens, and rain barrels directly connected to downspouts and able to capture 100% of rooftop stormwater will be able to increase the percentage of lot coverage by 5%.
For developments that incorporate green roof design for the purpose of retaining 100% of rooftop stormwater and absorbing heat from sunlight, the applicant may increase the lot coverage by 5%.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file the Borough offices.
Purpose. R-1A Districts are composed of low density single-family residential areas. The purpose of the regulations within the R-1A District is to maintain its present character and density level as well as to provide appropriate compatible and related uses. Porches are encouraged facing the public way in residentially zoned districts.
Table 200-17A
R-1A Residential District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Single family dwellings
Essential Service Structure (See § 200-38A)
Home Occupation+ (See § 200-39A)
Place of worship and assembly
Family Day Care Home+ (See § 200-38B)
Bed and Breakfast+ (See § 200-39B)
Public parks and playgrounds
One Accessory Dwelling (See § 200-38C)+
Public Utility Building (See § 200-39C)
No impact home based business+
Home office (See § 200-35B)
+Denotes permissible accessory use to a single family dwelling (one such accessory use per dwelling is allowed). For other accessory uses and structures see § 200-29.
Table 200-17B
R-1A Residential District, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
Single-Family Dwellings, Family Day Care Homes, No Impact Home Based Business
Place of Worship, Public Park, Public Utility Building or Structure
Minimum lot area
5,500 square feet
15,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet
100 feet
Minimum front yard
Average of nearest 2 adjacent structures
Average of nearest two adjacent structures
Minimum side yard
5 feet on one side, and a combined total of at least 12 feet for both sides
20 feet
Minimum rear yard
25 feet
30 feet
Maximum height
35 feet
35 feet
Maximum coverage
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide a zoning district in which the dominant use of land will be single-family residential dwellings, but lot sizes are smaller and there are more mixed uses than R-1A. Other uses will be permitted only to the extent they support a traditional walkable neighborhood and foster homeownership and housing affordability.
Table 200-18A
R-1B Residential District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Single family dwellings
Essential Service Structure (See § 200-38A)
Home Occupation+ (See § 200-39A)
Place of worship and assembly
Family Day Care Home+ (See § 200-38B)
Bed and Breakfast+ (See § 200-39B)
Public parks and playgrounds
One Accessory Dwelling+ (See § 200-38C)+
Public Utility Building (See § 200-39C)
No impact home based business+
Home office+ (See § 200-35B)
+Denotes permissible accessory use to a single family dwelling (one such use accessory use per dwelling is allowed). For other accessory uses and structures see § 200-29.
Table 200-18B
R-1B Residential District, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
Single-Family Dwellings, Family Day Care Homes, No Impact Home Based Business
Place of Worship, Public Park, Public Utility Building or Structure
Minimum lot area
4,000 square feet
15,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
40 feet
100 feet
Minimum front yard
Average of nearest 2 adjacent structures
Average of nearest 2 adjacent structures
Minimum side yard
At least 4 feet on one side, and combined total of 12 feet for both sides
20 feet
Minimum rear yard
25 feet
30 feet
Maximum height
35 feet
35 feet
Maximum coverage
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
Purpose. The R-2 District is a medium density residential district. The purpose is to provide a variety of housing types and alternatives to accommodate the different needs and desires of individuals while maintaining existing neighborhood character.
Table 200-19A
R-2 Residential District, Table of Uses
Permitted uses by right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Single family dwellings
Home Occupation+ (See § 200-39A)
Conversion of Single Family Dwellings into a Two Family Dwelling (See § 200-39E)
One accessory dwelling
Family and Group Day Care Home+ (See § 200-38B)
Public Utility Building (See § 200-39C)
Two family dwelling (when new construction)
Essential Service Structure (See § 200-38A)
Parking Lots for more than four Vehicles (See § 200-39D)
Place of worship and assembly
Public parks and playgrounds
No impact home based business+
Home office+ (See § 200-35B)
+Denotes permissible accessory use to a single family dwelling (one such accessory use per dwelling is allowed). For other accessory uses and structures see § 200-29.
Table 200-19B
R-2 Residential District, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
Single-Family Dwellings
Two Family Dwellings
Place of Worship, Public parks and Playgrounds, Essential Service Structure
Minimum lot area
6,000 square feet
8,500 square feet for duplex 10,000 square feet for first 3 units in multiple family dwelling plus 1,500 square feet per each unit thereafter
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
40 feet
50 feet
75 feet
Minimum front yard
Average of nearest 2 adjacent structures
Average of nearest 2 adjacent structures
30 feet
Minimum side yard
At least 4 feet on one side, and combined total of 12 feet for both sides
30 feet
30 feet
Minimum rear yard
25 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Maximum height
28 feet
28 feet
35 feet
Maximum coverage
33% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 43%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
33% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 43%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
30% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 40%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
Purpose. The T-1 District is a special district to provide for transitions between residential and commercial areas. It is a high density district with other types of land uses that are often desirable in mixed residential/light commercial districts. The purpose of the district is to accommodate a larger variety of residential needs. The T-1 Districts are able to accommodate these needs due to their location along major traffic arteries which provide immediate access to and from the Borough, and easy access to public transportation. The T-1 Districts also offer the advantages of being located near the commercial districts of the Borough.
Table 200-21A
T-1 Transitional District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Single family dwellings
Home Occupation+ (See § 200-39A)
Adaptive Re-use of Historic Buildings (See § 200-39F)
Professional offices
Family and Group Day Care Home+ (See § 200-38B)
Conversion of Single Family Dwellings into a Two Family Dwelling (See § 200-39E)
Place of worship and assembly
Essential Service Structure (See § 200-38A)
Neighborhood Businesses (See § 200-39G)
Two family dwelling (when new construction)
Public Utility Building (See § 200-39C)
Class One and Two Multiple Family Dwellings (See § 200-39H)
Public parks and playgrounds
Parking Lots for more than four Vehicles (See § 200-39D)
No impact home based business
Outpatient clinic
Table 200-21B
T-1 Transitional District, Lot, Yard and Height Single-Family Standards
Single-Family Dwellings, Family Day Care Homes, No Impact Home Based Business, Essential Service Structure
Place of Worship Public Parks and Playgrounds, Funeral Homes
Two Family Dwellings
Multiple Family Dwellings
Minimum lot area
5,500 square feet
8,500 square feet
6,500 square feet for two family dwelling
10,000 square feet for first three units in multiple family dwelling plus 1,500 square feet per each unit thereafter
Minimum lot width
50 feet
75 feet
60 feet
100 feet
Minimum front yard
Average of nearest two adjacent structures
20 feet
Average of nearest two adjacent structures
Average of nearest two adjacent structures
Minimum side yard
5 feet on one side, and a combined total of at least 12 feet for both sides
30 feet
5 feet on one side, and a combined total of at least 12 feet for both sides
20 feet
Minimum rear yard
25 feet
30 feet
25 feet
30 feet
Maximum height
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Maximum coverage
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
33% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 43%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
Purpose. The purpose of the P-1 Public District is to create a zoning district to preserve and protect the unique campus like setting and unique institutional buildings within the heart of the Borough protecting nearby areas of single family residential uses from land use conflicts due to disparities of size and scale of development.
Table 200-22A
P-1 Public District Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Colleges and Universities, including classrooms, administrative and support buildings
Communication Towers (See § 200-39I)
Adaptive Re-use of Historic Buildings (See § 200-39F)
Public and private elementary and secondary schools recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education including accessory residential, office, recreational, maintenance and medical facilities
Nursing Homes, Personal Care Homes and Assisted Living Facilities (See § 200-39J)
Stadiums Outdoor Amphitheaters and Sports Fields (See § 200-39K)
Essential services
Cemeteries (See § 200-39L)
Place of worship and assembly
Single family dwellings
Communication antenna
Professional offices
Municipal and public utility buildings and structures
For accessory uses and structures see § 200-29
Table 200-22B
P-1 Public District, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
Use Type/Dimension
Single Family Dwellings
Nonresidential Uses
Minimum lot area
5,500 square feet
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet
75 feet
Minimum front yard depth
Average of nearest two adjacent structures
40 feet from a state road or Borough street, 0 feet (no setback) from an institutional maintained road or street
Minimum side yard width
5 feet on one side, and a combined total of at least 12 feet for both sides
20 feet between buildings within a multi building campus 75 feet from an R-1A or R-1B District
Minimum rear yard depth
25 Feet
20 feet between buildings within a college or University campus 75 feet from single family residential use or an R-1A or R-1B District
Maximum height of structure
35 feet
65 feet
Maximum coverage
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens, and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
Purpose. The C-1 Districts are located along major traffic arteries and provide for the commercial needs of the Borough. The purpose of the regulations and location of the districts is to provide commercial establishments in close proximity to residential districts, while at the same time discouraging heavy traffic volumes on local roads.
Table 200-24A
C-1 Commercial District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Retail stores
Indoor Commercial Recreation (See § 200-39M)
Personal services
Day Care Centers (See § 200-39N)
Transitional Housing Facility (See § 200-39P)
Professional offices
Upper Floor Dwelling Unit (See § 200-390)
Business services, including financial services such as banks
Private Clubs and Lodges (See § 200-39R)
Eating and drinking places
Tattoos and Body Piercing Studio (See § 200-39S)
Place of Worship and Assembly
Outpatient clinic
Table 200-24B
C-1 Commercial District, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
All Uses
Minimum lot area
1,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
25 feet
Minimum front yard
Minimum side yard
Minimum rear yard
Maximum height
60 feet
Maximum coverage
[Amended 11-6-2017 by Ord. No. 1061; 11-21-2022 by Ord. No. 1077]
Purpose. The C-2 Planned Commercial Development District is intended to permit the unified development of land in a compatible mixture of office and retail commercial and related uses; to encourage development which is attractive and functional; to ensure that the development is harmoniously related to adjacent and nearby existing development; and to encourage new and innovative development techniques. The entire area designated as a PC Planned Commercial Development District shall be planned and developed as a unit including vehicular and pedestrian circulation; parking and loading; building design, height, bulk and orientation; open space; landscape development; and signs, lighting and other site "furniture."
Table 200-25A
C-2 Planned Commercial District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Eating/drinking places
Commercial schools (see § 200-39T)
Auto and equipment sales, service and repair (see § 200-39V)
Place of worship
Drive-through facilities and car wash facilities (see § 200-39U)
Gas station/convenience store (see § 200-39W)
Professional offices
Hotels and motels (see § 200-39FF)
Sexually oriented business (see § 200-39X)
Civic and cultural buildings
Planned shopping center or mixed-use development (see § 200-39Y)
Retail sales
Flea markets and outdoor markets (see § 200-39Z)
Personal services
Bottle clubs (see § 200-39AA)
Business services, including financial services such as banks
Correctional facility or halfway house (see § 200-39BB)
Funeral homes
Building material and supply yards (see § 200-39CC)
Outpatient clinic
Light manufacturing and self-service storage facilities (see § 200-39DD)
Retail liquor store (see § 200-39EE)
Indoor commercial recreation (see § 200-39M)
Neighborhood retail distribution and fulfillment center, when located within a planned shopping center, subject to the special crtieria in § 200-39HH
Table 200-25B
C-2 Planned Commercial, Lot, Yard and Height Standards
All Uses
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
100 feet
Minimum front yard
20 feet
Minimum side yard
10 feet
Minimum rear yard
20 feet
Maximum height
45 feet
Maximum coverage
50% (for buildings built to green standards like LEED, increase max. lot coverage to 60%; for buildings incorporating water storage, cisterns, rain gardens, and rain barrels, increase coverage by 5%; for buildings incorporating a green roof, increase coverage by 5%)
[Added 12-21-2020 by Ord. No. 1070]
The C-3 Commercial/Office/Multi-Family District is intended to permit a mixture of commercial and residential development in a manner compatible with transit oriented development and high density multifamily residential development; to encourage development which is attractive and functional; to ensure that the development is harmoniously related to adjacent and nearby existing development; and to encourage new and innovative development techniques. The area designated as the Commercial/Office/Multi-Family District Mixed Commercial District shall be distinct from the Planned Commercial District in that development must account for and accommodate all vehicular and pedestrian circulation; and parking and loading associated with the adjacent Planned Commercial District, but each development may be unique and not necessarily treated as a single unit.
C-3 Commercial/Office/Multi-Family District, Table of Uses
Permitted Uses by Right
Special Exceptions
Conditional Uses
Commercial schools (See § 200-39T)
Auto and equipment sales, service and repair (See § 200-39V)
Eating/drinking places
Drive-through facilities and car wash facilities (See § 200-39U)
Gas station/convenience store (See § 200-39W)
Place of worship
Hotels and motels (See § 200-39FF)
Sexually oriented business (See § 200-39X)
Professional offices
Planned shopping center or mixed use development (See § 200-39Y)
Civic and cultural buildings
Flea markets and outdoor markets (See § 200-39Z)
Retail sales
Bottle clubs (See § 200-39AA)
Personal services
Correctional facility or halfway house (See § 200-39BB)
Business services including financial services such as banks
Building material and supply yards (See § 200-39CC)
Funeral homes
Light manufacturing and self-service storage facilities (See § 200-39DD)
Outpatient clinic
Retail liquor store (See § 200-39EE)
Class One and Class Two multiple-family dwellings (see § 200-39H)