Applicability of Town of Verona/OCWA Agreement. The Town of Verona, on behalf of the Verona Beach Water District, has entered into an agreement with OCWA for supply of water and operation and maintenance of the district's water system. All persons and properties provided water service within the service area as defined in the Town of Verona/OCWA Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, and any amendments thereto. Subsections A through and including F are applicable to all such parts of the public water system, and the requirements in those subsections supersede any contradictory requirements in other articles or sections of this chapter.
OCWA rules applicable. OCWA will sell water to customers of the service area (as defined in the Town of Verona/OCWA agreement) in accordance with the Customer Rules of the Authority, as they from time to time be amended.
OCWA's approval of improvements required. Any plans and specifications for replacements, additions, betterments and improvements to the water system shall be subject to the prior written approval of OCWA, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Service within areas of extension. Any extension of said service area shall service the entire area of such extension and shall be made for the benefit of all who are able to be served within the area of any such extension.
Improvements subject to Town of Verona/OCWA agreement. Upon completion of any improvement to the water system, the improvement shall become subject to the terms of the Town of Verona/OCWA agreement.
Service connections made by OCWA. All service connections shall be made by OCWA in accordance with the Customer Rules of the Authority as they may from time to time be amended.
Editor's Note: Said agreement is dated December 15, 1992.
Applicability of Town of Verona/City of Oneida Agreement. The Town of Verona, on behalf of the Route No. 365 Water District, has entered into an agreement with the City of Oneida for supply of water to the district. All districts, persons and properties supplied water originating from the City of Oneida water system shall be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement and any amendments thereto. Subsections A and B are applicable to all such parts of the public water system, and the requirements in these subsections supersede any contradictory requirements in other articles or sections of this chapter.
City's approval of extensions required. Extensions to the water mains which will be supplied water originating from the city water system shall be subject to prior written approval of the city, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Editor's Note: Said agreement is dated May 30, 1995.