Any license granted shall not be subject to attachment, garnishment or execution, nor shall it be alienable or transferable, voluntarily or involuntarily, or subject to being encumbered or the subject matter of any lien. The trustees of any insolvent or bankrupt licensee, when such estate consists in part of alcoholic beverages, may continue the business of the sale of alcoholic liquor under order of the appropriate court, and may exercise the privileges of deceased or insolvent or bankrupt licensee after the death of such decedent, or such insolvency or bankruptcy until the expiration of such license, but not longer than six months after the death, bankruptcy, or insolvency of such licensee. No license fees paid to the Village of Oakwood shall be refunded in the event any such business ceases to operate during the term of the license issued.
Any business which ceases to operate as a retail seller of alcoholic liquor for a period of 30 days during the term of a license shall be deemed to have an unused license. Any such unused license may be forfeited by the Liquor Control Commissioner and, if done so, shall be considered null and void for the period that the license is not in use. No license fees paid to the Village of Oakwood shall be refunded when a license is so forfeited. Any license holder wishing to renew an unused license which has not been forfeited by the Liquor Control Commissioner shall pay a renewal license fee of $250 and shall submit a renewal application in accordance with Article IV; however, the Liquor Control Commissioner can renew said license without following the review procedures required in § 114-12. An unused license may not be renewed more than one time as such without being restored to active operation since its previous term of being unused. In the event that a business is closed as a result of an act of God, the Liquor Control Commissioner may hold open the licensee's license for a period not to exceed one year from the date of occurrence.
Any license holder who proposes to change the location of the business which is licensed shall notify the Liquor Control Commissioner in writing prior to such change being made. The Liquor Control Commissioner shall notify the Liquor Control Commission and shall update and reissue the official license list required in § 114-27 of this Part 1. In the event that the new location does not meet the requirements of this Part 1, the applicant will be so notified by the Liquor Control Commissioner.
Any transfer of an operating business between owners or any change in ownership of the business holding the license shall cause the new owner to submit an application for a new license and a new license fee in accordance with Article IV. Such new application will be handled and acted upon in accordance with Article V; however, the Liquor Control Commissioner shall be required to issue notification to the previous owner and the new owner that the license is being issued to the new owner. No new owner of an operating business shall sell alcoholic beverages until such time as a new license has been issued by the Liquor Control Commissioner.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation to peddle alcoholic liquor within the corporate limits of the Village of Oakwood and, accordingly, the sale of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to the premises for which a license is issued under the terms of this Part 1.