[Res. 4/12/1973; as amended by Res. 2013-2, 2/12/2013, § 1]
The annual meeting of the Board of the Authority shall be held on the same day, time and place as the regular meeting for the month of January as established pursuant to § 1-302, "Regular Meetings."
[Res. 4/12/1973; as amended by Res. 2013-1, 1/15/2013]
Regular meetings of the Authority shall be held once a month at an advertised date and time as established by resolution.
[Res. 4/12/1973]
Special meetings of the Board of the Authority may be held whenever called by the Chairman or by any two of the members of the Board. Notice of any such meeting shall be mailed to each member of the Board, addressed to him at his residence or usual place of business, not later than three days before the day on which the meeting is to be held or be sent to him at such place by telegraph, or be delivered personally, or by telephone, not later than the day before the day on which the meeting is to be held. Except as may otherwise be indicated in the notice of the meeting, any and all business may be transacted at any special meeting.
[Res. 4/12/1973]
The Secretary shall give public notice of meetings of the Authority by posting on the bulletin board in the above-mentioned office of the Authority as follows:
Schedule of regular meetings for each calendar year, designating time and place.
Notice of each special meeting and each re-scheduled meeting at least 24 hours prior to the time of meeting.
[Res. 4/12/1973]
At all meetings of the Board of the Authority a majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business; provided, however, that a smaller number may meet and adjourn to some other time or until a quorum is obtained.
[Res. 4/12/1973]
At the regular meetings of the Board of the Authority the following shall be the order of business:
Roll call.
Reading an approval of minutes of previous meeting.
Bills and communications.
Report of Secretary.
Report of the Treasurer.
Report of Committees.
Unfinished Business.
New Business.
[Res. 4/12/1973]
The voting on all questions coming before the Board of the Authority shall be by roll call, and the ayes and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting, unless the vote is unanimous of all members present, and in that case the minutes shall so indicate.