Res. 1
An agreement with the Department of Forest and Waters [DER] removing debris and possible widening, deepening and improving the channel of Hunlock Creek, the Township shall acquire and furnish all necessary easements and rights-of-way
Res. 1-1975
Calling for the preservation of mental health facilities at Retreat State Hospital, Hunlock Creek, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, and for the expansion and modernization of said facilities as required
Res. 2-1975
Opposing the Pennsylvania Flood Disaster Act
Res. 9/7/1976
Authorizing the governing body of this municipality to signify its support of the flood protection policy advocated by the Coalition of Associations for River Protection (C.A.R.P.), whereby channelization, dredging, and island clearing and/or modification are endorsed as the preferable and more efficacious means of improving flood protection as opposed to increasing the height of the presently existing dike system
Res. 2-1979
Recognizes the Luzerne County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and their applicability within Hunlock Township
Res. 10/15/1982
Adopts and incorporates, in entirety, the Earned Income and Profit Tax Regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates, a division of H.A. Berkheimer, Inc.
Res. 1/4/1983
Authorized to participate in purchase contracts of the Department of General Services of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the Act of July 9, 1971, P.L. 201, No. 31, Section 1; as amended (71 P.S. Section 633(h))
Res. --/--/1983
That the elected officials of this community shall do everything in their power to protect and preserve, for this and future generations, the waters, forests and air within its boundaries from those who would steal from us this cherished birthright, such that there shall be a balance of the preservation of these rights, with business, industry and the needs of the community
Res. 8/2/1983
Declare that the month of August, 1983 is hereby proclaimed as Polish Heritage Month
Res. 2-87
Accept the Statement of Understanding between the Township of Hunlock and the Wyoming Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, in order that both may continue to render maximum effective service in time of disaster
Res. 4-1987
The Township has prepared an emergency operations plan to provide prompt and effective emergency response procedures to be followed in the event of a major emergency or disaster; and the Township has also prepared an emergency operations plan in order to reduce the potential affects of a major emergency or disaster and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of this Township
Res. 3-1987
The Township of Hunlock passed the following, that any checks or drafts of negotiable instruments which are not cashed within a period of 60 days from date of issue shall be null and void
Res. 9/8/1988
The Township of Hunlock adopted Luzerne County Solid Waste Management Plan
Res. 1-1989
The Township directs the Luzerne County Board of Elections to place the referendum concerning the issuance of licenses to conduct small games of chance in the Township of Hunlock on the May 16, 1989, Municipal Primary Election Ballot
Ord. 1-89
Authorizing the Township of Hunlock to join with other local governmental units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of Trusts
Res. 2-89
The Township of Hunlock Board of Supervisors will amend their payroll policy to pay on a weekly basis as well as the payroll checking account, only, will require just the signature of the Treasurer, a bonded position
Res. 3-1989
The Township of Hunlock adopts and places into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of Hunlock Township. This plan shall be reviewed annually to make certain that it conforms with the requirements of the Luzerne County Emergency Operations Plan
Res. 5-89
The Township adopts the policy of the bonded person's signature, the Manager-Secretary-Treasurer, solely, on all Hunlock Township checks or drafts for the purpose of paying any or all outstanding debts
Res. 4/18/1996
Authorizing the Township to enter into a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of Luzerne County in order to obtain funds pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended
Res. 6/20/1996A
Expressing the Township's approval of the creation of the Luzerne County Tourist Promotion Agency and acknowledges that the Tourist Promotion Agency of Luzerne County will be the designated County entity for the promotion of tourism and economic development, and the designated agency to receive appropriate funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Commerce
Res. 6/20/1996B
Adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of Hunlock Township
Res. 1-1998
Appointing the Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County as agent of Hunlock Township for the purpose of providing copies of documents transferring real property to the secretary of the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township on a weekly basis for which the Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County is to be paid by the grantee, upon recording, $1.50 for each such document
Res. 9/17/1998
Authorizing the Chairman of the Township to sign an agility agreement with PennDOT on the Township's behalf
Res. 5-1998
Pursuant to Act 50 of 1998, appointing Berkheimer Associates as the Township's Tax Hearing Officer and adopting and incorporating by reference the Act 50 Regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates
Res. 9/23/1999
Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to complete a stream improvement project consisting of 84 feet of gabion basket wall along the right bank of Hunlock Creek
Res. 1-2000
Authorizing funding to support the preparation of a flood mitigation plan for the Township and establishing a Mitigation Planning Committee
Ord. 1-2000
Electing to enroll in the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Res. 10/19/2000
Establishing an agriculture security area
Res. 3-2001
Appointing Berkheimer Associates as collector of Township occupation privilege taxes and adopting and incorporating the occupation privilege tax rules and regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates
Res. 4-2001
Pursuant to Act 50 of 1998, appointing Berkheimer Associates as the Township's Tax Hearing Officer and adopting and incorporating the Act 50 regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates
Res. 5-2001
Appointing Vicki Seward as authorized representative for the Township and contact person to exchange confidential tax information and records with Berkheimer Associates
Res. 7-2001
Implementing flood protection activities necessary for and authorizing the submission of the application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Community Rating System (CRS) and appointing Vicki Seward CRS coordinator for the Township
Res. 9/19/2002A
Authorizing Berkheimer Associates as Tax Officer for the collection of the occupation privilege tax and approving and adopting the rules and regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates
Res. 9/19/2002B
Authorizing Berkheimer Associates as Tax Officer for the collection of the earned income tax and approving and adopting the rules and regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer Associates
Res. 9/19/2002C
Authorizing the Township Governing Board to appoint a liaison between the Township and Berkheimer Associates for the purpose of sharing confidential tax information with the District for official purposes
Res. 6/27/2006
Declaring the existence of a disaster emergency in Hunlock Township and directing and authorizing the Emergency Management Coordinator and other officials of the Township take necessary actions to alleviate the effects of the disaster and to otherwise meet the exigencies of the emergency
Res. 5/28/2009
Authorizing the Manager and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute all documents necessary to effect an agreement with PennDOT to use the dotGrants System to file required liquid fuels forms including, but not limited to, an Electronic Access License Agreement (EALA) on behalf of the municipality
Res. 11/19/2009
Adopting the Bi-County Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Counties of Lackawanna and Luzerne, Pennsylvania
Res. 2-2010
Opposing any measure, initiative, or plan that mandates the forced merger or consolidation of local governments
Res. 2/16/2012
Authorizing James J. Brozena, Executive Director, as agent to execute required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Res. 2-2012
Allowing an escalator clause for bituminous material to be included as part of the 2012 Paving Proposal
Res. 8/30/2012A
Authorizing, empowering and directing the proper officers of the Township of Hunlock to appoint a liaison between it and Berkheimer, the duly appointed collector of Earned Income Tax for Luzerne County, for the express purpose of sharing confidential tax information with the Township of Hunlock for official purposes
Res. 8/30/2012B
Authorizing and empowering its local Tax Collector, Berkheimer, to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes
Res. 12/20/2012A
Designating Vicki Benscoter, Manager of the Township of Hunlock, to execute all necessary documents associated with the grant from the Local Shares Assessment Fund (Gaming Funds) Luzerne County for the purchasing of a 2013 dump truck
Ord. 1-2013
Electing to amend its municipal pension plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System pursuant to Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law; agreeing to be bound by all provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law as amended and as applicable to member municipalities
Res. 2-2014
Adopting the Radiological Emergency Response Plan
Res. 12/18/2014B
Designating Hunlock Township as sponsor for the Hunlock Creek Volunteer Fire Company to apply for a grant through the Local Shares Assessment Fund (Gaming Funds) Luzerne County
Res. 12/18/2014C
Designating Vicki Benscoter, Manager of the Township of Hunlock, to execute all necessary documents associated with the grant from the Local Shares Assessment Fund (Gaming Funds) Luzerne County for renovations to the Township recreation fields and construction of a concession/storage building
Ord. 2-2015
Authorizing the participation of Hunlock Township in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust pursuant to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law
Res. 5/21/2015
Authorizing James Brozena, Consultant, as agent to execute required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance by Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriation Act, 2012
Res. 9/17/2015
Adopting a plan
Res. 10/15/2015
Adopting the Luzerne County 2015 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Agmt. 11/19/2015
Entering into a signal payment agreement with Moxie Freedom, LLC.
Res. 1/7/2016
Designating the Township as a sponsor for the Northwest Area School District to apply for a grant through the Local Shares Assessment Fund (gaming funds)
Res. 2018-2
Establishing a policy for the disposal of Township personal property