[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 1][1]
The name of Clark Park in this Borough shall be changed to Clark Memorial Park, retaining that portion of the former name honoring Colonel George Rodgers Clark, who was one of the commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States, who in January 1785, made at Fort McIntosh a treaty with the Delaware, Wyandot, Chippewa and Ottawa Indians.
Editor's Note: The preamble to Ordinance 461 stated that the northwest corner of the original plan of Beaver is a square named "Clark Park", which for many years had been used as a burial ground, and which in recent years had not been cared for and which had been so neglected as to become a public nuisance, that the Borough, acting under authority given to it by the Act of 1955 P.L. 279 No. 98, presented a petition to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver County on July 27, 1960, praying the Court to make an order authorizing the Borough to improve and maintain the burial ground, which order was made by the Court on September 26, 1960, and the work had been completed by the Borough; that in order to comply with the order of Court and select a name suitable for the park, it was necessary that the Borough adopt certain rules and regulations.
[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 2]
No future burials shall be permitted in that park, and that it be used solely as a memorial park.
[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 3]
The park shall be seeded and landscaped and the proper kind and number of trees be planted on it.
[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 4]
No ball playing or other athletic sports shall be permitted in this park.
[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 4]
The park shall be maintained by the Borough as other public parks are maintained.
[Ord. 461, 10/10/1961, § 6; as amended by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 2 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300; and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days.