[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 500]
The following requirements apply to all subdivision and/or land development plans, including sketch plans, preliminary plans, final plans and minor plans.
In addition to the following requirements, the applicant shall submit a completed Subdivision and Land Development Application Form and Subdivision and Land Development Plan Submission Checklist.
Any requests for modifications and/or waivers of any provisions of this chapter shall be in accordance with § 512.1 of the MPC, 53 P.S. § 10512.1, as amended, and included in the plan submission as required by the Subdivision and Land Development Plan Submission Checklist.
[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 501]
All sketch plans shall show as much of the following information as possible. Any additional information that the applicant believes will help explain the proposal should also be shown:
The entire tract boundary, total acreage and tax parcel numbers for all properties.
Existing easements, rights-of-way, required open space or any other restriction on the land.
Contour lines measured at vertical intervals of two feet, as determined by an on-site field survey or interpretation of USGS maps.
Significant physical features such as floodplain, steep slopes, woodlands and existing structures.
Location map showing the relationship of the subject tract to the surrounding road network and major physical features, drawn at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 800 feet.
The zoning district(s) in which the property is located and any variances, special exceptions or conditional uses that are required or have been granted.
Existing and proposed streets, lots, land uses, buildings, structures, utilities, open space areas, recreation facilities and building setback lines.
Approximate locations for proposed stormwater management facilities.
North point, graphic and written scale and date of drawing.
Name of subdivision and/or land development.
Name, address and phone number of the applicant and owner of record.
Name and address of the engineer, surveyor or architect responsible for the plan.
[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 502; as amended by Ord. 2010-03-01, 3/22/2010, § VII]
The preliminary plans shall include the following:
Drafting Standards. Plans shall be professionally and legibly prepared in compliance with the following.
Plans shall be drawn at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 50 feet. Where two or more sheets are needed to show the entire tract, an overall site plan, with match lines, shall be provided and drawn at an appropriate scale.
All plan sizes shall be 24 inches by 36 inches and shall be numbered relative to the total number of sheets.
Property lines shall be drawn and labeled in conformance with accepted surveying and civil engineering practices, including dimensions shown in feet and decimal fractions thereof and bearings shown in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Tract boundary lines shall be the heaviest property lines.
Proposed lot lines shall be the next heaviest.
Possible future lots, if shown, shall be the lightest line weight and may be shown as dashed lines.
Property lines to be eliminated where two lots are proposed to be joined in common deed should be properly noted and depicted on the boundary to be removed.
Bearings and distances sufficient for the legal description of all the lines shall be shown on the site plan. The error of closure shall not be greater than one part in 5,000.
All proposed subdivisions shall have lots drawn to the ultimate right-of-way line.
Legend sufficient to clearly distinguish between existing and proposed conditions.
Site Plan.
Name of the subdivision and/or land development.
Name, address and phone number of the applicant and owner of record.
Name, address and phone number of the firm that prepared the plan and the professional seal of the individual(s) certifying its accuracy and compliance with applicable standards.
Date of preparation of the plan and a descriptive list of revisions to the plan and the revision dates.
North point and graphic and written scale.
Location map showing the relationship of the subject tract to the surrounding road network and major physical features, drawn at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 800 feet.
The overall tract boundary, with bearings and distances and total tract acreage.
Zoning classification(s), owner names and tax parcel numbers of all lands abutting the tract.
Tax parcels numbers, deed book and page numbers of all parcels being subdivided or developed.
Description of variances, special exceptions, conditional uses and waivers that are required, the dates they were granted and any conditions.
Bearings and distances for all easements, including deed restricted areas such as, floodplain boundary, riparian buffers, wetland transitions areas or other covenants.
A table showing the dimensional requirements of the zoning district(s) in one column and what the applicant proposes in another column.
Site capacity calculations, including net and gross acreage for all lots.
Layout of all proposed lots, including the bearings and distances, building setback lines and number of lots or dwelling units.
All existing survey control elements and required concrete monuments and iron pins.
Location of all proposed buildings, including gross floor area, configuration, size and height. Architectural sketches are encouraged to be submitted showing elevation, perspective, building materials and colors.
Location and dimensional information for proposed streets, access drives, driveways, parking areas, rights-of-way, curbs, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, sight distances and clear sight triangles.
Parking area requirements and calculations per the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Open space, agricultural areas and recreation facilities, including locations, size, use and types of facilities.
Plan notations regarding offers of dedication of public rights-of-way and improvements and plan notations for ownership and maintenance responsibilities of open space, agricultural areas, easements, stormwater management facilities and utilities.
The following recording notes and certifications shall be provided for recording of the final plans: Professional land surveyor's certification, professional engineer's certification, professional wetlands/soils scientist's certification, Bucks County Recorder of Deeds Certification, ownership acknowledgment; notary public statement; Bucks County Planning Commission Certification; Township Engineer's Certification; Planning Commission Chairman Approval with one signature line and Board Approval with five signature lines.
Primary on-lot sewage system locations, defined on-lot sewage reserve system easements, well locations and isolation distances, as applicable.
Aerial Photograph Plan.
The plans shall be at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 400 feet, and shall show the overall tract outlined, as well as all features up to 1,600 feet from the tract boundary.
The plan shall indicate the date, source, scale and north point and be numbered in the plan set.
The aerial photograph plan must show the location and distance to the nearest park, stream, major intersection, public sidewalk, walking trail and other public amenities as directed by the Township. When these amenities are located further than 1,600 feet from the property boundary, corresponding notes shall be added to the plans stating this information.
Existing Features and Natural Resource Plan. Within the tract proposed for subdivision and/or land development and within 100 feet of the tract boundary, the following information shall be shown on the preliminary plan:
Streets bordering or crossing the tract, including locations, names, legal and ultimate rights-of-way, cartway widths, surface conditions and location of curbs, sidewalks and existing utility poles and signs.
Water resources, including lakes, ponds, wetlands, watercourses and floodplain boundaries.
Location of all existing monuments and other survey control elements.
Public or private water supply facilities, including pipe length, size and material and fire hydrant locations.
Sanitary sewer facilities, including pipe length, size, material, slope and invert and rim elevations.
Storm sewer facilities, including pipe length, size, material, slope and invert and grate elevations.
Any individual tree to be removed shall be designated by an "X" marked on the tree.
Other natural features including:
Location, size and species, of individual trees six inches in diameter or greater, when standing alone or in small stands. The plan shall also identify any diseased tree(s).
Outer limits of woodlands. Approximate limits of site disturbance, including a clear delineation of existing vegetation, including trees, hedge rows, wooded areas, scrub growth, meadow and actively farmed land. Indicate items to be removed and items to be preserved, including method of preservation. Trees need not be individually identified in areas proposed to be set aside as open space or in areas proposed not to be disturbed.
Locations and limits of geologic features that may affect the locations of proposed streets or buildings, including rock outcroppings, quarries and sink holes.
Natural resources that are protected by the provisions of the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27], such as floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, riparian areas, forests, agricultural soils and other features.
Soil information, including soil types, mapped limits, names, classification and a table showing the significant limitations (such as high water table and shallow depth to bedrock) for each soil type.
Contour information including:
Contour lines measured at vertical intervals of two feet, as determined by an on-site field survey, not interpretation of United States Geologic Service (USGS) Maps. The plans shall indicate the benchmark elevation and the location and shall be based on the Chalfont-New Britain Township Joint Sewage Authority vertical datum.
Areas identified as eight to 15% slopes, 15% to 25% and 25% or steeper slopes. These slopes shall be shaded with different patterns.
Other man-made existing features, including:
Existing land uses on the property.
Location, size, character and use of existing buildings. Any building to be demolished shall be labeled "To Be Removed."
Location and use of existing buildings and other structures less than 100 feet beyond the tract boundaries.
All information shown on the plans shall be from a survey conducted within two years of the date of the application.
Grading and Utility Plan.
Existing and proposed contour lines for the entire site shown at vertical intervals of two feet, including spot elevations at each corner of a dwelling and building and along proposed road widening, curbs, retaining walls and high points.
Location of dwellings, buildings, building setback lines and finished floor and top of foundation elevations.
Location of proposed streets, access drives, driveways, parking areas, rights-of-way, easements, curbs, sidewalks, fire lanes, recreational pathways and pedestrian walkways.
Proposed stormwater management facilities and storm sewer systems, including pipe length, size, material, slope and invert and grate elevations.
Sanitary sewer facilities, main and lateral locations, including pipe length, size, material, slope and invert and rim elevations.
Locations of on-lot sewage disposal systems and replacement areas with proposed grading.
Public or private pump stations and treatment plant locations.
Water supply facilities, including water mains and services, pipe sizes and materials and fire hydrant locations.
Locations of on-lot wells, including identification of the one-hundred-foot well protection area.
Any required utility construction specifications shall be noted on the plan.
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.
All plan information required for the grading and utility plan.
Soil information, including soil types, mapped limits, names, classification and a table showing the significant limitations (such as high water table and shallow depth to bedrock) for each soil type.
All erosion and sedimentation control measures, specifications and details in accordance with the Bucks County Conservation District.
Landscaping Plan.
Existing and proposed contour lines shown at vertical intervals of two feet.
Location of buildings, building setback lines, proposed streets, access drives, driveways, parking aisles, rights-of-way, easements, curbs, sidewalks, walkways and utilities.
Location of all proposed landscape plantings and tree protection fence.
Other related landscape features such as berms, water features, open space areas and agricultural areas.
The limits of clearing shall be shown, and all individual trees, vegetated areas and woodlands, designated to remain, shall be included in the Tree Protection Zone in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
A planting schedule chart indicating the required and proposed trees, evergreens and shrubs.
Planting details and notations for installation procedures, specifications and guarantees.
Lighting Plan.
Location of all proposed streetlights, lighting fixtures and standards, including wall mounted lights.
Location of buildings, building setback lines, proposed streets, rights-of-way, parking areas, sidewalks and walkways.
Location of all proposed landscape plantings.
All individual trees, vegetated areas and woodlands designated to remain and other related landscape features such as berms, water features, etc.
Isofootcandle data and plots for each proposed lighting fixture.
Lighting manufacturer's details for all proposed fixtures, including lamps, photo control devices, shields, poles and foundation supports.
Lighting intensities in footcandles plotted for the entire site.
Horizontal Plan and Profile.
Street center-line profile, with elevations at fifty-foot intervals, slope for all tangents, profile of existing ground surface and profile along any cul-de-sac curbline. Vertical curve data shall also be provided, including length, elevations at the beginning and ending of the vertical curve.
Horizontal plan of street center line, with bearings, distances, curve data, stations corresponding to the profile. In addition, tie-in information to intersections of all public streets, including street name, cart-way width, curb lines and right-of-way.
Horizontal plan and profile for sanitary sewers, water mains and storm sewers, showing all required design information and elevations and profile of existing ground surface.
Center-line profile for all access drives from the parking area to the street intersection, showing elevations at ten-foot intervals, slope, ultimate right-way line and curb line and edge of pavement.
Required and provided sight distance lines and measurements.
Construction Detail Plan.
Details for any bridges, retaining walls, sidewalks, curbs, stormwater management facilities, water facilities, sanitary sewer facilities and other structures as required.
Details for any easements.
Street, access drive and driveway paving cross-section details.
Construction notes and specifications as may be required.
Stormwater Plan. The plan shall include a post-construction stormwater management plan in accordance with the New Britain Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, as amended.
[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 503; as amended by Ord. 2010-03-01, 3/22/2010, § VIII]
The drafting standards shall be the same as those required for preliminary plans.
Final plans shall include all information required for preliminary plans.
Final plans shall show locations of all utility lines including, but not limited to, electric, natural gas, telecommunication, cable television and any other utility line required to support the proposed subdivision and/or land development.
The final plan shall be submitted in conformance with the conditions imposed and agreed to as part of the preliminary plan approval by the Board.
Description of any variances or waivers that were granted, the dates they were granted and any conditions that were applied shall be listed on the site plan.
Final plans shall indicate all applicable supporting documentation with latest revision dates including, but not limited to, stormwater management report, erosion and sedimentation control report, post-construction stormwater management plan/report, traffic impact study, community impact assessment report, and any other report or study generated by the applicant during the preliminary plan or final plan review process.
[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 504]
The drafting standards shall be the same as those required for preliminary plans.
Minor Plan, Lot Line Adjustment. The following plan information shall be shown:
All information required for a preliminary site plan, except for site capacity calculations, parking area calculations, sight distance and clear sight triangle requirements.
The lot line proposed to be adjusted, shown as a dashed line and labeled "Lot Line to be Removed."
The lot line after adjustment, drawn using the standard lot line delineation at a heavier line weight than the other lot lines and labeled "Proposed New Lot Line."
The area of the parcel being conveyed. This parcel shall be labeled "This area to be conveyed to (Name and Tax Map Parcel Number)."
Minor Plan, Land Development. The plan requirements shall be the same as those required for preliminary and final plans, except for the following:
An aerial photograph plan shall not be required.
Horizontal plan and profile shall not be required.
Existing features and natural resource plan shall be submitted for the property only.
The applicant may submit one minor plan that combines all other plan requirements.
[Ord. 2002-05-02, 5/20/2002, § 505]
Purpose. The impact on the environment and the community generated by subdivision and/or land development necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the various problems that may result and the actions that can be taken to minimize these problems.
Submission Requirements. Four copies of a Community Impact Assessment Report shall be submitted to the Township with the preliminary plan application.
An application for subdivision and/or land development shall be considered incomplete without the required Community Impact Assessment Report. A Community Impact Assessment Report shall be required for the following:
Residential subdivision of 15 lots or dwelling units or more.
Nonresidential subdivision of 10 lots or more.
Nonresidential land development:
Shopping center.
Commercial. A commercial building or buildings consisting of 50,000 square feet or more of total floor area.
Office. A development consisting of 50,000 square feet or more of total floor area.
Industrial. A development consisting of 50,000 square feet or more of total floor area or any truck terminal as a principal use.
Institutional. Hospital, nursing home or institution development consisting of 50,000 square feet or more of total floor area.
Components. The Community Impact Assessment Report shall contain the following components:
Overview and Description.
A description of the proposed project, including the proposed uses, number and sizes of buildings and lots, architectural renderings, phasing of the project and the extent of alterations and improvements to the site.
A statement shall be included indicating the existing and proposed ownership of the tract and where applicable the type of ownership, operation and maintenance proposed for open space or other areas not under the control of a single lot owner.
A plan, drawn at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 100 feet, shall be included with the Community Impact Assessment Report, which shows the information required by this section.
Compatibility. Demonstrate the compatibility of the proposed project with the New Britain Township Comprehensive Plan.
Visual Resources. An identification of the visual resources associated with the tract. This includes views onto the tract from surrounding roads and properties and views from the tract. A sufficient number of color photographs of the tract are required to express the visual resources. Photographs shall be properly identified or captioned and shall be keyed to a map of the site.
Physical Resources Inventory. Physical resources such as topography and shall be described in a narrative and mapped at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 100 feet.
The geological characteristics of the tract, including the location and boundaries of rock formations, faults and fractures.
The hydrological characteristics of the tract, including the following:
Surface water resources and their drainage characteristics, including creeks, streams, ponds, lakes, springs, wetlands, watersheds, flood-plains and man-made structures and impoundments. The existing and proposed surface runoff from the tract shall be calculated, including the potential development of the remainder of the watershed. The flow, depth, capacity and quality of the receiving waters shall be investigated.
Groundwater resources, including aquifers and aquifer recharge areas, depth to groundwater and water supply capabilities. If the proposed subdivision and/or land development involves individual wells, the analysis shall include the information required in this chapter.
Biological Resources Inventory. Biological resources shall be characterized in a narrative description and mapped at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 100 feet.
The existing vegetation on the tract, including the locations and boundaries of woodlands and forest areas, specimen trees, shrubs and other plants and ground cover.
The existing wildlife on the tract, including their species and habitats. This map may draw upon vegetation, hydrology and soil maps in order to express habitat characteristics associated with terrestrial and aquatic wildlife on the tract.
Land Use and Existing Features Inventory. An identification of the land uses and existing features on the tract and mapped at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 100 feet.
The land cover characteristics of the tract, including paved or other surfaces, woodland, cultivated areas, pasture, lawns, landscaped areas, etc.
Any encumbrances on the tract, such as easements, rights-of-way or deed restrictions.
Any existing features not part of the natural environment, including principal and accessory buildings, roads, driveways, utility lines and sewer and water facilities.
Historic Resources Inventory. An identification of the man-made features that are 50 or more years old, both on the tract and on adjacent properties. All buildings, structures, routes, trails, etc., which are on the National Register of Historic Places, the Pennsylvania Inventory of Historic Places, the Historic American Building Survey or in the records of the Heritage Conservancy of Bucks County shall be included. These features shall be described in a narrative, and mapped at a scale not exceeding one inch equals 100 feet.
Community Needs Inventory. An identification of the community facility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed subdivision and/or land development. The community needs assessment shall indicate in narrative form the following types of services: schools, parks, recreation areas, libraries, hospitals and other health care facilities, fire protection, police protection, ambulance and rescue services. The assessment will indicate the demand for these facilities and services and the ability of the existing facilities and services to meet the demand.
Utility Needs Inventory. An identification of the utility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed subdivision and/or land development, including a statement whether the project is within the area to be served by public sewers under the Act 537 Plan. The utility needs inventory shall include a narrative description of the type of installations which will be used, including water supply, sewage disposal, refuse disposal, storm drainage, communications and electrical transmission; the ability of existing installations to accommodate the demands of the future users and/or residents and the need for additional or expanded utility installations.
Transportation System Inventory. An identification of the relationship of the transportation and circulation system needs of the proposed project to the existing street or highway network. A discussion of this relationship shall be in narrative form and shall indicate factors such as methods to be used for traffic control within the tract and at points of ingress to and egress from it and expected traffic volumes generated from the project, including their relationship to existing traffic volumes on existing streets for both peak hour and non-peak-hour traffic conditions. In addition, there shall be a discussion of the physical condition of existing streets that will service the proposed project and what improvements are proposed to remedy any physical deficiencies.
Demographics. An identification of the demographic characteristics related to the proposed subdivision and/or land development. The characteristics shall be presented in narrative form, with related tables and shall show the projected number of future users and/or residents of the project, and their social and economic characteristics. Such information shall be presented for buildout condition and during construction.
Fiscal Impact. An identification of the economic and fiscal characteristics associated with the proposed subdivision and/or land development. The characteristics shall be presented in narrative form, with related tables and shall show the fiscal impact to the costs and revenues of the Township and the Central Bucks School District. Such information shall be presented for buildout condition and during construction. The analysis shall follow the methods presented in the most recent works by the Center for Urban Policy Research of Rutgers University.
Compliance with Nuisance Standards. An identification of the existing, construction related and future (after buildout) compliance with provisions of the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27], regulating noise, smoke and storage and waste disposal.
Analysis of Impacts. The implications of the proposed subdivision and/or land development in terms of the type of beneficial or adverse impacts which may result and whether these impacts are short term or long term. The analysis shall discuss the impacts described in Subsections 4B through M, above, as well as the following: water quality and quantity; air quality; damage or destruction of significant plant or wildlife systems or other natural or aesthetic resources; agricultural soils; displacement of people, homes, businesses and viable farms; undesirable land use patterns or the disruption of orderly community and regional growth; health, safety, and general welfare of the public. In indicating such effects, the analysis shall state whether they are primary or secondary implications, that is, whether the beneficial or adverse impacts will have a direct or indirect influence on a particular resource, condition or characteristic.
Mitigation Measures. An identification of measures to mitigate any adverse impacts. The applicant shall submit exhibits or diagrams that will depict the type of remedial, protective or mitigative measures described in narrative form. The measures shall include the following:
Mitigation measures that pertain to existing procedures and standards related to current requirements of the state, county and/or Township, such as sedimentation control, stormwater runoff control, water quality control and air quality control.
Mitigation measures related to impacts that may be unique to a specific project, such as revegetation, screening, fencing, emission control, traffic improvements, traffic control, noise control, relation of people and/or businesses and land acquisition.
Irreversible Impacts. An identification of any irreversible environmental or community changes that would be directly or indirectly caused by the proposed subdivision and/or land development.