[Amended 5-5-1975 by Art. 35; 4-4-1981 by Art. 26; 4-8-1985 by Art. 40; 4-7-1986 by Art. 39; 4-4-1987 by Arts. 21 and 23; 11-18-2002 by Art. 8; 4-1-2006 by Arts. 17 and 18; 3-31-2007 by Art. 14; 4-30-2018 ATM by Art. 19; 5-24-2021 ATM by Art. 27; 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
The Town of Cohasset is divided into 10 base zoning districts designated as follows:
Residence A
Residence B
Residence C
Waterfront Business
Downtown Business
Village Business
Highway Business
Light Industry
Technology Business
Official and Open Space
In addition, there are five overlay zoning districts:
Overlay District
Floodplain and Watershed Protection District
Water Resource District
Transit-Oriented Development Overlay District
Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations Overlay District
Harbor Village Business Overlay District
The locations and boundaries of the zoning districts are shown on the following maps, as the same may be amended from time to time, and which collectively are referred to as the Zoning Map.
The boundaries of all zoning districts other than the FWPD, the TOD, and the GMSP are shown on a map entitled "Town of Cohasset, Massachusetts Zoning District Map" dated May 2021.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The boundaries of the FWPD are the 100-year base flood elevations shown for the Town of Cohasset on the Norfolk County Flood Insurance Rate Map ("FIRM") issued by the Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), Panel Nos. 25021C0113E and 25021C0118E, dated July 17, 2012, and Panel Nos. 25021C0114F,25021C0251F, 25021C0252F, 25021C0254F, 25021C0256F, and 25021C258F, dated July 6, 2021.
The TOD boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the Light Industry District shown to the north of Chief Justice Cushing Highway on the Town of Cohasset, Massachusetts Zoning District Map, dated 2021. The TOD includes Lot 1 on Cohasset Assessors' Map 71, Lot 13 on Cohasset Assessors' Map 73, and Lots 5, 7, 7T, 8, 8T and 9 on Cohasset Assessors' Map 74.
The boundaries of the GMSP Location 1 are shown on a map entitled "Old Landfill Drawing." The boundaries of the GMSP Location 2 are shown on a map entitled "Crocker Lane Landfill Site."
The Zoning Map, together with all boundaries, notations and other data and explanatory matter shown thereon, is part of this Zoning Bylaw.
The Zoning Map, including any amendments and any future Zoning Maps which may be adopted from time to time, shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
For purposes of interpreting the Zoning Map, the following rules apply:
Where a district boundary line appears to follow a street or railroad right-of-way, watercourse, or other body of water, the district boundary coincides with the center line thereof.
Where a district boundary line appears to run parallel to a street or railroad right-of-way, the district boundary runs parallel to the sideline of the right-of-way at such distance therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map. Where a district boundary line appears to run parallel to a river, stream or other body of water, the district boundary runs parallel to the top of the bank or the shoreline at such distance therefrom as is indicated on the Zoning Map. If no numeric dimension is indicated on the Zoning Map, such distances shall be determined by using the scale shown on the Zoning Map.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific notation on the Zoning Map, a district boundary that appears to follow a property line will coincide with that property line.
Where a district boundary line is indicated as a specific elevation, the elevation is the distance above mean sea level, based on Massachusetts Geodetic Datum of 1982 unless otherwise specified on the Zoning Map or elsewhere in this Zoning Bylaw.
In any case not covered by the other provisions of this section, the location of a district boundary line shall be determined by the distance in feet from other lines as specified on the Zoning Map or, if the distance is not specified, then by using the scale indicated on the Zoning Map.
When a base district boundary line divides a lot at the time such boundary line is adopted, the use regulations for either district may be extended up to 50 feet into the portion of the lot in the other district, provided the lot has frontage on a street in the less restrictive district. The Zoning Board of Appeals may, by special permit, allow such extension to be increased to a maximum of 200 feet.