[Added 11-13-2007 by Art. 4]
In addition to the requirements and procedures set forth in § 300-12.4, applications for special permits in the Village Business (VB) District shall be subject to the additional required performance standards included in this Article 18.
In addition to other findings of compliance as required pursuant to this bylaw, a special permit shall not be granted by the special permit granting authority unless and until the special permit granting authority has issued written findings certifying compliance with the performance standards of this Article 18, as follows:
The maximum allowable floor area ratio shall be 1.3; provided, however, that the maximum allowable floor area ratio may be increased to 2.0 by the special permit granting authority provided that any such increase in floor area ratio shall not entitle the applicant to relief from other dimensional requirements of this bylaw unless such relief is otherwise and separately granted by variance, and only upon one or more of the following specific findings:
A floor area ratio greater than 1.3 will result from permitted additions or expansions to buildings in existence as of the date of adoption of this Article 18.
The approved use with a floor area ratio greater than 1.3 will provide a public benefit in addition to those necessary to meet all the other requirements of this bylaw such as: construction of off-site infrastructure serving a public purpose, such as parking and sidewalks; construction of low- or moderate-income dwelling units; construction of a building that will produce emissions that are at least 50% less than required to comply with the Massachusetts State Building Code based on calculations performed using the latest available version of energy modeling software issued by the United States Department of Energy; or a combination of such public benefits.
[Amended 4-30-2018 ATM by Art. 19]
For purposes of the previous Subsection A(1)(b), the term "low- or moderate-income dwelling units" means:
[Amended 4-30-2018 ATM by Art. 19]
Low or moderate-income housing as defined in MGL c. 40B and its regulations;
"Community housing" as defined in MGL c. 44B and its regulations; and/or
Housing that would be available to occupants having household incomes up to 125% of area median income, as area median income is then defined under MGL c. 40B and its regulations.
The total residential gross floor area of a dwelling unit in the VB District shall be not less than 700 square feet nor more than 1,500 square feet.
[Amended 5-2-2015 ATM by Art. 21]
In addition to the required performance standards in this Article 18, the special permit granting authority may adopt regulations establishing additional design guidelines for development in the VB District.
In granting a special permit, the special permit granting authority may impose conditions on building and site design to ensure the architectural compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood, and to ensure consistency with approved design guidelines.
The special permit granting authority shall not take final action on a special permit application proposing any expansion or exterior renovation of a building in the VB District that was built prior to January 15, 1955, until first requesting, in addition to those reports detailed in § 300-12.4B, a report thereof from the Historical Commission, or until the Historical Commission has allowed 35 days to elapse after receipt of a copy of such application without submission of a report. Reasons for not accepting any of the comments and recommendations of the Historical Commission shall be noted by the special permit granting authority in the final action on the application.
In the VB District, the special permit granting authority may allow dwelling units on ground floors of buildings only where:
[Amended 5-2-2015 ATM by Art. 21]
The building is located behind another building that has one or more retail or services uses on the ground floor, when considered relative to a street; or the residential portion of the first floor of a building is located behind one or more retail or services uses within the same building, when considered relative to a street; and
Where the applicant demonstrates and the special permit granting authority specifically finds that first floor residential uses will not have an adverse impact on the continuity of any retail or services uses located adjacent to a street.
The Planning Board shall be the special permit granting authority for uses identified by the letters "SPP" in § 300-4.2, the Table of Principal Use Regulations. A special permit issued pursuant to this Article 18 shall not be a substitute for compliance with § 300-12.6, Site plan review, of this Zoning Bylaw where such compliance is required pursuant to applicable law. The grant of a special permit pursuant to this Article 18 shall not constitute a waiver of any requirement of § 300-12.6. However, to facilitate processing, the Planning Board as special permit granting authority may accept a combined plan and application which must satisfy all applicable requirements of this Zoning Bylaw, including without limitation the requirements of § 300-12.4, § 300-12.6, this Article 18 and the rules of the special permit granting authority relative to issuance of special permits.
[Amended 4-30-2018 ATM by Art. 19; 11-13-2023 STM by Art. 13]