In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1998 Code have been included in the 2018 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1998 Code
Location in 2018 Code
Ch. 1, General Government
§ 1.01, Elected officials
Ch. 65, Art. III
§ 1.02, Appointed officials
Ch. 65, Art. III
§ 1.03, Boards and commissions
Ch. 8
§ 1.04, Municipal Justice
Ch. 14
§ 1.05, Clerk of Court
Ch. 14
§ 1.06, Residency for Village employees
§ 1.07, Duties
Ch. 65, Art. III
§ 1.08, Salaries of elected officials
Ch. 65, Art. III
Ch. 2, The Governing Body
Ch. 93
Ch. 3, Finance and Taxation
§§ 3.01 to 3.05 and 3.07
Ch. 27
§ 3.06, Destruction of obsolete public records
NLP; see Ch. 77
Ch. 4, Police Department
Superseded by Charter Ord. No. 100-A; see now Ch. 51
Ch. 5, Public Nuisance Ordinance
NLP; see Ch. 200
Ch. 6, Premises and Property Maintenance Ordinance
Ch. 224
Ch. 7, Traffic Code
NLP; see Ch. 289
Ch. 8, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 260, Art. I
Ch. 9, Public Peace and Good Order
§§ 9.01 to 9.03, 9.05 to 9.08, 9.10 to 9.16 and 9.20
NLP; see Ch. 213
§ 9.04, Fireworks
NLP; see Ch. 151
§ 9.09, Abandoned vehicles
NLP; see Ch. 289
§ 9.17, Use of cigarettes and tobacco products
NLP; see Ch. 213
§ 9.17, Sexual offenders residency restrictions
NLP; see Ch. 240
§ 9.18, Open burning
NLP; see Ch. 147
§ 9.18, Firearms restricted in certain Village buildings
NLP; see Ch. 213
§ 9.19 (number not used)
Ch. 10, Public Nuisances
Superseded by Ord. No. 6-2009A; see now Ch. 200
Ch. 11, Health and Sanitation
§ 11.01, Health Officer: duties and powers
§§ 11.02 to 11.07 (health nuisances)
NLP; see Ch. 200
§ 11.08 and 11.11 (animals)
NLP; see Ch. 111
§ 11.09, Garbage and rubbish removal
Ch. 249, Art. I
§ 11.10, Penalty
Ch. 12, Licenses and Permits
§ 12.01, Licenses required
NLP; see Ch. 176
§ 12.02, Issuance and revocation of licenses
NLP; see Ch. 176
§ 12.03, Junk dealers
NLP; see Ch. 234
§ 12.04, Intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages
NLP; see Ch. 105
§ 12.05, Mobile homes and mobile home parks
NLP; see Ch. 315, Art. XII
§ 12.06, Peddlers, canvassers, solicitors and transient merchants
NLP; see Ch. 135
§ 12.07, Public dance halls
§ 12.08, Penalty
Ch. 13, Municipal Utilities
§ 13.01, Management of utilities
Ch. 8
§ 13.02, Rates, rules and regulations of Water Utility
Ch. 296, Art. I
§ 13.03, Construction of water mains
Ch. 296, Art. I
§ 13.04, Penalty
Ch. 296, Art. I
§ 13.05, Cross connection control
NLP; see Ch. 296, Art. II
§ 13.06, Well abandonment
NLP; see Ch. 296, Art. III
§ 13.07, Sewer use and user charge system
Ch. 238
Ch. 14, Building Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 2017-03; see Ch. 126
Ch. 15, Zero Lot Line
Superseded 4-4-2010; see Ch. 315, Art. IV
Ch. 16, Mobile Home Parks
Superseded 4-4-2010; see Ch. 315, § 315-30
Ch. 17, Zoning
Ch. 315
Ch. 18, Subdivision and Platting
Ch. 265
Ch. 19, Parks and Recreation
§§ 19.01 to 19.29
NLP; see Ch. 208
§ 19.30, Tree Ordinance
NLP; see Ch. 273
Ch. 20, Stormwater Utility
NLP; see Ch. 256, Art. I
Ch. 21, Snowmobile Access and Regulation
Ch. 246
Ch. 24, Site Plan Review
Ch. 243
Ch. 25, Construction and Effect of Ordinances
§§ 25.01, 25.02, 25.03 and 25.04
Ch. 1, Art. I
§§ 25.05, 25.06 and 25.07
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. II