[Ord. 2014-2, 9/2/2014[1]]
There is hereby created the position of office of Borough Manager, who shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
The Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough; and
The Manager's powers and duties shall relate to the general management of all Borough business, not expressly imposed or conferred upon other Borough officers by statute; and
Subject to recall by motion of Council, the Manager shall:
Prepare, in consultation with the Finance Committee and President, and submit to Council before the close of the fiscal year, or on such alternative date as Council may determine, a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message and administer same.
Obtain from the chief/supervisor of each department, board, agency or other office estimates of revenues and expenditures and other supporting duties for the purpose of preparing the budget.
Serve as Borough Treasurer, Right-to-Know Officer, Pension Administrator, Payroll Coordinator, and HIPPA Officer as may be deemed necessary by Council.
Attend all meetings of Council and, upon request, attend its committee meetings with the right to take part in any and all discussions pursuant to the rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings as established by Council.
Prepare the agenda, in consultation with the President, for each meeting of Council and supply facts pertinent thereto.
Submit, upon request of the President of Council, periodic reports of the condition of Borough ordinances, resolutions and such other reports as Council deems appropriate and may request.
Make recommendations to Council as the Borough Manager deems necessary and appropriate.
Submit to Council as soon as practical at the close of the fiscal year a complete report of the finances and administrative activities of the Borough for the preceding year.
Secure compliance with all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by Council.
Employ, with the approval of Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise it in connection with any of the functions of the Borough and to see to the letting of contracts in due form of law.
Attend to the letting of contracts. The Manager shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough officer.
Secure payment to the Borough of all money owed and ensure that proper proceedings are taken for the securing and collection of all of the Borough's claims.
Be the Purchasing Officer of the Borough and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code and any ordinances and resolutions relevant thereto, supplies and equipment for various agents, boards and departments and other offices of the Borough.
Prepare invoices and collect those taxes and/or fees not otherwise collected by the Tax Collector, unless otherwise under contract with another party.
Be responsible for managing and directing the finances of the Borough to ensure proper investments of all municipal funds in excess of immediate needs as well as administration of all loans.
Keep an account of all purchases and, when directed by the President of Council or a majority vote of Council, make a full and written report thereof.
Issue rules and regulations, subject to approval by Council, governing the requisition and purchase of all municipal supplies and equipment.
Be administrator, supervisor and be responsible for activities of any and all Borough employees who shall be assigned to his or her jurisdiction by resolution of Council or assigned to his or her jurisdiction by the Council President in writing as hereinafter provided.
Represent Council in matters relative to union and union members and shall issue all work rules and disciplinary notices to union employees on behalf of Council.
Keep a current inventory showing all real and personal property of the Borough and its condition, and shall supervise the care and custody of all such property, including equipment, buildings, parks and all other Borough property, which is not by law assigned to some other office or body for care and control.
Publish all notices, ordinances or other documents required by law to be published and prepare or cause to be prepared all reports which the Borough or any officials thereof are required to prepare, unless such task has been performed or is to be performed by the Solicitor.
Prepare and have custody of all municipal records required by law to be kept by the Borough and not by a specific officer, as well as any other records as may be directed by Council.
Where the law makes it the duty of a specific officer to keep or maintain records, the Borough Manager shall make available to such officer all necessary clerical assistance for the preparation of such records and shall make available a place for the custody of such records.
Where the law requires or provides for certification of any records or documents by any office of the Borough, the Borough Manager shall cause such records or documents to be properly prepared and presented to such officer for his or her signature.
Keep a complete set of maps and plots showing the location of all Borough utilities and other Borough properties, streets and other public places and all lots or parcels of land subdivided according to law, except where same is kept by the Luzerne County Planning Commission.
Conduct interviews with the President and Committee Chair and propose/recommend personnel hires to Council.
Serve as direct supervisor for all departments, except police. Individual department heads (DPW foreman, Chief Engineer, head lifeguard, etc.) shall be "first line" supervisors in a chain of command.
Investigate and dispose of all complaints regarding Borough services and personnel, and report to Council thereon.
Perform any and all other duties as may be directed by Council.
Ensure all Borough ordinances and regulations are enforced.
Handle all correspondence and confer with the President, and Council when appropriate, as to responses.
Oversee all construction projects in cooperation with other qualified employees or professionals of the Borough.
Maintain public relations.
Perform annual employee evaluations in conjunction with the Committee Chair and President.
Conduct research and prepare special reports on policy matters of interest.
Hold staff and departmental meetings.
Maintain all personnel files.
Prepare all necessary state and federal reports as required.
Issue and approve all purchase orders consistent with the budget and Council President approval under $4,000. Purchase orders greater than that amount shall require Council's approval.
Serve as liaison between Council and all boards and authorities.
Conduct a review of timesheets and advise the President and Committee Chair of problems, errors and/or concerns.
Attend training, seminars, conferences, etc., at the request of the President and/or Council.
Assist the Council and Solicitor in preparation and defense of legal actions.
Process all insurance claims.
Prepare and advertise, in accordance with Council policy, all RFPs for all services as appropriate.
Maintain other records in accordance with a retention schedule of items, such as advertising, bids, contracts, road repairs, official actions and incidents.
Originate and maintain contacts with federal, state and county agencies, and other organizations, with which the Borough conducts business.
Ensure all vehicles and equipment are properly insured and maintained.
Council shall hire a Borough Manager pursuant to job qualifications, specifications, criteria, etc., as established by policy. Council shall be required to achieve the affirmative votes of four members of Council to hire a Borough Manager and shall be required to achieve the affirmative votes of four members of Borough Council to terminate a Borough Manager. The provisions of this Part relating to the termination of a Borough Manager shall be applicable to the current Borough Manager, and the provisions as to both hiring and termination of a Borough Manager shall apply to any future Borough Manager.
Council shall negotiate and enter into an employment agreement with the Borough Manager pursuant to Act 54 of 2011, the said employment agreement to be renegotiated by the end of every other odd-numbered year and approved and adopted at the reorganization meeting of Borough Council every other even-numbered year.
Council may delegate, subject to recall, any of the nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties of the Council, the Planning Commission and the Shade Tree Commission to the Borough Manager.
With the approval of Borough Council, the Mayor may delegate to the Borough Manager any of the Mayor's nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties.
The President of Borough Council is hereby authorized to delegate to the Borough Manager, subject to recall by written notification at any time, any of his/her nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties.
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former § 1-221, regarding the position of Borough Manager, adopted 7/7/1975 by Ord. 1975-8, as amended.