A member of the MDT may, upon a showing of good cause, request a court order for a medical evaluation of a suspected protected child. SSU or law enforcement is empowered to obtain an emergency medical evaluation without a court order if the child's life or limb is seriously endangered and a court order cannot reasonably be obtained.
In instances where a sexual assault(s) is alleged and upon request from any member of the MDT, the child's caregiver or custodian will seek a sexual assault exam. A court order requiring a sexual assault exam may be sought in the event that a caregiver or custodian refuses to seek a sexual assault exam within twenty-four (24) hours of the request by the MDT.
A physician will, upon completion of a medical evaluation, immediately report the results to the SSU, law enforcement and the Court. A physician's written report will contain summaries of medical findings, results of evaluations and a detailed report of any diagnostic tools used to reach the findings.
The Court may, upon a clear showing that probable cause exists to determine that a child meets the definition of an abused or neglected child, order investigation and discovery, including, but not limited to, taking of photographs, gathering physical evidence, and examinations or evaluations of a child, parent, guardian or custodian, conducted by a physician, dentist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Such orders may be issued ex parte under compelling circumstances.