Review. The Disposition Order will be reviewed at least once every ninety (90) days.
Notice of review. Notice of the review hearing will be provided to all parties by acknowledgement on the record or by ordinary mail as provided in Article XIII, § 7.5-29.
Scope of review. At a review hearing, the Court will make findings regarding compliance by all parties with disposition orders prepared pursuant to Article XVII and the previous orders of the Court, including:
Compliance with the disposition order and any progress towards the identified goal.
The adequacy and effectiveness of the services being provided to the family and the likelihood that specific services will result in improvement in the circumstances which led to the child becoming a protected child.
Other provisions. The extent to which a respondent has complied with each provision of the disposition order, prior Court orders, and the likelihood that compliance will continue will be considered when extending, modifying, or issuing new disposition orders.
When children have been removed:
Address the adequacy of the reunification plan with respect to visitation between respondents and child, child and siblings, and child and extended family members; and
Likely harm to the child(ren) if out-of-home placement continues.
Likelihood of continued risk of harm to the child(ren) if returned to the custody of the respondent from whom the child was removed.
Agency report. An agency report will be filed with the Court at least three (3) calendar days prior to the review hearing and copies provided to all parties or their representatives.
Extent of progress. The Court will determine the extent of progress made toward meeting the goals of the plan within the general timelines set forth in the plan. The Court may modify any part of the plan, including, but not limited to, the following:
Additional services. Additional services necessary to rectify the conditions and circumstances cited in the petition or new obstacles to reunification that have arisen since entry of the order of disposition.
Additional actions. Additional actions to be taken by the parties to rectify the conditions and circumstances that caused the child to become adjudicated as a protected child.
Continued placement. At a review hearing the Court will determine the continuing necessity and appropriateness of the child's placement. The Court may:
Continue the placement;
Order the return of the child;
Continue or modify the original disposition order;
Enter an amended disposition order;
Commence procedures for termination of parental rights, including implementation of the preliminary permanency plan for termination, and setting a date and time for a termination hearing; or
Terminate jurisdiction.
Reunification upon waiver and consent. If all parties waive notice of hearing and consent to reunification, SSU, or its designated agency, may return the child to the custody of any or all respondents. If reunification is executed in this manner SSU or the same agency will monitor the progress of the family until at least the next review hearing.