All permit applications required to be filed pursuant to the Illinois Plumbing Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 890) shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable minimum plan review fee of $10 plus an additional fee of $1 for each fixture in excess of 10 fixtures. In addition, where the nature of the application requires the Village to employ the services of any consulting engineer, plumber or other person not regularly on the Village payroll for the purpose of reviewing the application, plans or specifications, an additional application fee equal to the actual cost to the Village of such services, plus 10% to cover Village administrative time and costs, shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. Where a plan review fee covering the same work has been paid pursuant to § 225-501 or § 225-505, said fee shall be credited against the fee due pursuant to this section.
A minimum fee of $15 or $1.50 per fixture, whichever is greater, shall be paid for any inspection or reinspection of work by the Water and Sewer Commissioner required by Part 1, Sewer Use, of this chapter, as amended. In addition where inspection or testing requires the Village to employ any person not regularly on the Village payroll or to incur any other out-of-pocket costs, an additional inspection fee equal to the actual cost to the Village of such services or materials, plus 10% to cover Village administrative time and costs, shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. Where an inspection fee covering the same work has been paid pursuant to § 225-501 or § 225-505, said fee shall be credited against the fee due pursuant to this section.