[CC 1985 § 23-368; 1977 Code; Ord. No. 357 § 1, 5-6-1974]
Any engineer or other person having charge of a train who shall run his/her train through the City of St. James at a greater speed than fifty-five (55) miles per hour shall be deemed guilty of an offense. (For penalty, see Section 100.220.)
[CC 1985 § 23-369; 1977 Code; Ord. No. 29 § 4, 11-17-1937; Ord. No. 357 § 2, 5-6-1974]
If any person shall obstruct any of the crossings in this City by stopping any team, horse, mule or ass or motor vehicle thereon, and shall refuse to remove the same at the request of any officer or citizen, he/she shall be deemed guilty of an offense. (For penalty, see Section 100.220.)
No engineer or other person having charge of any train of cars in this City shall allow any car or cars to stand on any street or street crossing whereby the free passage of the same shall be obstructed for more than ten (10) minutes at any one time. Any such engineer or other person violating the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of an offense. (For penalty, see Section 100.220. See also Section 340.140.)
[CC 1985 § 23-370; Ord. No. 628, 2-7-2000]
It shall be unlawful to erect a structure within fifty (50) feet of the centerline of the railroad tracks on any property within one thousand (1,000) feet of any railroad and vehicle crossing.