[CC 1985 § 19-1; Ord. No. 169 §§ 1 — 2, 11-4-1957]
The City of St. James, Missouri, has decided to establish and maintain public parks under Sections 90.500 to 90.570, RSMo., and as authorized by said Chapter 90, RSMo., and in accordance with the provisions of said law, the Mayor is authorized to appoint, with the approval of the legislative branch of said City, a board of nine (9) Directors for the same as authorized by Section 90.520, RSMo.; and as authorized by said Section of law. The City of St. James is a City of the Third Class and does hereby ordain and direct the creation of a park and recreation as provided by said Chapter and to appoint a Park Board by the Mayor of said City with the approval of the legislative branch thereof as provided by Section 90.520, RSMo., of said act and do all things directed and provided in said law above referred to.
By the authority contained in the law above referred to, the Mayor hereby appoints, for the approval of the legislative branch of said City, a board of nine (9) Directors chosen from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office, and no member so named to said board is a member of the legislative branch of said City, those named as board members, so chosen from the citizens at large of said City of St. James, Missouri.
[CC 1985 § 19-2; Ord. No. 169 § 3, 11-4-1957]
The City hereby approves all the provisions of said Chapter 90, RSMo., and adopts the same as a part of this Article, so far as it may apply.
[CC 1985 § 19-3; Ord. No. 169 § 5, 11-4-1957]
The term of office of the Directors shall be and shall be established as provided by Section 90.530, RSMo., and the said Park Directors so appointed and approved shall further organize and carry on the duties of their office as provided by said Chapter 90, RSMo.