[CC 1985 § 25-254; Ord. No. 277 § 12, 11-7-1966]
The City Council of St. James may, by special permit, after public hearing before the Council, after study and report by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such reasonable conditions and protective restrictions as are deemed necessary, authorize the following special uses in any district from which they are otherwise prohibited:
Cemetery or mausoleum on sites of not less than twenty (20) acres.
Greenhouse or nursery.
Hospital, animal hospital for small pets, clinic or institution not primarily for the mentally ill or those with contagious diseases, provided that less than forty percent (40%) of the total land area is occupied by buildings and that all the required yards are increased by one (1) foot for each foot of building height in excess of height limits specified in this Chapter.
Landing field or strip for aircraft.
Nursery school.
Commercial radio tower or broadcasting station.
Removal of gravel, topsoil or similar natural materials, with safeguards for the protection of adjoining property and the community as a whole.
Riding stable.
Sanitary fill for the disposal of garbage or trash.
Trailer or mobile home park, permanent or temporary, provided:
That access to the trailer park shall be from an arterial highway or secondary thoroughfare, that number and location of access drives shall be controlled for traffic safety and protection of surrounding properties, that no trailer space shall be designed for direct access to a street outside the boundaries of the trailer park and that the interior access drives shall be at least twenty (20) feet in width.
The minimum area for a trailer site for parking one (1) trailer shall be one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet, with minimum dimensions, thirty-five (35) by forty (40), with corners of each site visibly marked by a permanent marker.
In addition to the requirement of Subsection (A)(10)(b) above, the trailer park or mobile home park shall contain at least one thousand (1,000) square feet per trailer for community facilities, including play space, utility rooms, parking and access roads.
The trailer park or mobile home park shall be surrounded by a landscaped strip of open space fifty (50) feet wide along the street frontage with an arterial highway and twenty-five (25) feet wide along all other lot lines or street frontage.
No trailer shall be parked closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any other trailer or service building and no part of a trailer shall extend closer than five (5) feet to the boundaries of the individual trailer site.
Off-street parking spaces for automobiles shall be provided in the ratio of one (1) space per trailer in locations convenient to individual trailers or groups of trailers.
In a residential district, accessory signs, in addition to internal directional signs, shall be limited to one (1) flat or detached, illuminated sign, with sign area limited to twenty-five (25) square feet.
Proper provision shall be made for public water supply, sanitary sewers, fire protection, refuse collection, laundry, toilet and bathing facilities.
The proposed trailer park shall comply with all provisions of this Chapter and State and local laws and regulations.
Certain heavy industrial uses as listed in Section 405.150.