[CC 1985 § 25-111; Ord. No. 277, A8 § 1, 11-7-1966]
Whenever the strict enforcement of these regulations would entail unusual difficulties or hardships, the Commission and City Council may vary or modify them in such a way that the subdivider be allowed to plan and develop his/her property and record a plat of same; provided, however, that the public welfare and interests of the municipality be fully protected and the general intent and spirit of the regulations preserved.
[CC 1985 § 25-112; Ord. No. 277, A9 § 1, 11-7-1966]
Any regulations or provisions of these regulations may be changed and amended from time to time by the City Council; provided, however, that such changes or amendments shall not become effective until after a public hearing has been held, public notice of which shall have been given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of St. James at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing.