[CC 1985 § 24-29; Ord. No. 109 §§ 7, 12, 1-13-1947]
Said board shall have the power to appoint a Chief Superintendent and such subordinates, including engineers, inspectors, clerks, assistants and other persons as may be necessary, but the number of such additional appointees and the compensation of all employees and appointees of said board shall be as provided by ordinance.
The Utility Board is authorized and empowered and it is made their duty to select and employ all necessary employees to carry on and operate all public utilities under its control and to fix the hours, duties and compensation of all such employees, with maximum limitations thereon as to number and compensation paid.
[CC 1985 § 24-30; Ord. No. 109 § 8, 1-13-1947]
All salaries of such board and all salaries of its employees shall be allowed and paid in the same manner that bills and salaries of other officers and employees of such City are allowed and paid.