[CC 1985 § 24-134; Ord. No. 185A §§ 1 — 2, 2-1-1960]
It is hereby found, determined and declared to be necessary for the public health, safety, welfare and benefit of the City of St. James, Missouri, and its inhabitants that the existing waterworks of said City and the existing sewerage system of said City and all future improvements and extensions thereto be combined and that they shall thenceforth be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.
Thenceforth, from and after the final passage of this Section, the existing waterworks of the City of St. James, Missouri, and the existing sewerage system of said City, and all future improvements and extensions thereto, whether to the waterworks or to the sewerage system or to both, shall be and the same are combined and it is hereby declared that said waterworks and said sewerage system, and all future improvements and extensions thereto as aforesaid, thenceforth be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.