[CC 1985 § 24-62; Ord. No. 60 § 2, 11-17-1937; Ord. No. 60 § 3, 11-17-1937]
The City shall furnish any and all users of City water with a water meter, said meter to be paid for by the City, and water shall not be turned on any service pipe until such meter has been properly installed and such installation and equipment are approved by the Public Works Director.
All meters furnished by the City are and shall remain the property of the City. (See Section 710.090 for penalty.)
[CC 1985 § 24-63; Ord. No. 60 § 3, 11-17-1937; Ord. No. 959, 8-3-2009]
All meters shall be set in a suitable meter box, to be approved by the Public Works Director, and they shall be connected up under the direction of and in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Water Department under the supervision of the Public Works Director. (See Section 710.090 for penalty.)
Meters will be located just within the owner's property line as indicated in Section 710.030(B) above.
[CC 1985 § 24-64; 1977 Code; Ord. No. 60 § 4, 11-17-1937; Ord. No. 959, 8-3-2009]
No person, unless duly authorized by the City Council or by the Public Works Director, shall connect, remove, repair or otherwise disturb any water meter, and any person who shall violate the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation with a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and/or up to ninety (90) days in jail.
[CC 1985 § 24-65; Ord. No. 60 § 5, 11-17-1937]
The occupants of any building or premises where meter is located shall see that the meter is kept and remain free from obstruction on or around the same and is conveniently accessible at all times for the purpose of reading, inspecting or repairing. The water shall be turned off from any meter that shall not be so kept, and shall not be turned on again until this Section is complied with and the cost of turning water off and on paid. (See Section 710.090 for penalty.)
[CC 1985 § 24-65.2; Ord. No. 788, 9-2-2003]
If the property owner has only one (1) water meter with more than one (1) renter, the property owner is responsible for the total water bill of all occupants using water on that one (1) meter.
[CC 1985 § 24-66; Ord. No. 199 § 13, 7-3-1961]
No additional water meter is to be installed to premises already having a water meter and water service in order to avoid paying a sewerage charge, although the second requested meter would not be connected to the sewerage system.
[CC 1985 § 24-67; Ord. No. 199 § 4, 7-3-1961]
The Superintendent of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the City, or such other officers or representatives of the City as may be designated from time to time, shall cause all water meters to be read and bills for sanitary sewerage services to be rendered monthly as services accrue. All bills shall be due and payable from and after the date such bills are rendered, at the office of the St. James Municipal Utilities, during the regular hours of business. The Superintendent, or other persons designated, may calculate the amount of each bill for sanitary sewerage services and may add the same to the amount of the bill of the customer for utility services and render such customer a combined bill for such utilities and sewerage services.
[CC 1985 § 24-68; Ord. No. 199 § 5, 7-3-1961; Ord. No. 788, 9-2-2003]
Utility services will be billed and mailed monthly. If any bill for utilities is not paid by disconnect day, the utility services may be disconnected.