[CC 1996 § 170.010; Ord. No. 225 § 1, 4-4-1951]
There is hereby established within the City an executive department to be known as the "Board of Public Works," to consist of four (4) persons, electors of said City who have resided therein for a period of one (1) year next before their appointment. The members of said Board shall be appointed by the Mayor of said City and confirmed by the Board of Aldermen of said City, and shall hold office for a term of four (4) years each or until their successors are appointed and qualified, provided that the members of said Board shall hold office for a term of four (4) years each as members of said Board of Public Works, except the first incumbents, who shall be appointed and hold office for a term of one (1), two (2), three (3) or four (4) years respectively.
[CC 1996 § 170.016; Ord. No. 429 § 1, 5-14-1987]
No member of the Board of Public works shall be reappointed to the Board at the expiration of his/her term of office, two (2) four-year terms, with council approval at the end of the first four-year term. After said member has been off the board for one (1) year, he/she shall then be eligible for reappointment.
[CC 1996 § 170.020; Ord. No. 225 § 2, 4-4-1951]
In case of removal from office, by death or otherwise a vacancy exists in such Board of Public Works, such vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments to such Board are made, but the vacancy shall be filled only for the unexpired term of such vacating member.
[CC 1996 § 170.030; Ord. No. 225 § 3, 4-4-1951; Ord. No. 05-03-01 § 2, 3-10-2005]
Not more than two (2) members of said Board shall belong to the same political party and its administration shall in all respects be entirely non-partisan. Each member of said Board shall receive an annual salary of four hundred eighty dollars ($480.00) per annum payable in equal monthly installments, and in addition thereto, all expenses incurred by the members of said Board and each of them in the discharge of their official duties shall be paid by the City of Salisbury, Missouri.
[CC 1996 § 170.040; Ord. No. 225 § 4, 4-4-1951]
The members of said Board of Public Works shall subscribe to the oath of office required of other officers of the City and shall each execute and deliver a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in conformity with the terms and conditions of all official bonds required by said City of its officers.
[CC 1996 § 170.050; Ord. No. 309 § 1, 9-5-1963]
Said Board of Public Works shall have the power and it shall be its duty to take charge of and exercise control over the electric light plant, waterworks plant, sewer system and Sewer Department of the City of Salisbury, and shall assess light, power, water and sewer rates and enter into contracts with consumers for light, power, water and sewer rates and collect the revenue therefrom, and shall enforce the performance of all contracts and work and have the charge and custody of all books, property and assets belonging and appertaining to such electric light plant, waterworks plant, sewer system and Sewer Department.
[CC 1996 § 170.060; Ord. No. 225 § 6, 4-4-1951]
The Board of Public Works shall have under its special charge the electric light and waterworks plants of the City of Salisbury and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, in accordance with the ordinances of said City, now existing or hereafter to be passed and approved by the City's Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1996 § 170.070; Ord. No. 225 § 7, 4-4-1951; Ord. No. 253 § 3, 4-4-1955]
The Board of Public Works shall have regular meetings as set out in Section 110.200 of this Code. Three (3) members of said Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Public Works shall meet with the Board of Aldermen every third Monday of the months of January, April, July and October.
[CC 1996 § 170.080; Ord. No. 253 § 2, 4-4-1955]
The officers of the Board of Public Works shall consist of a president, vice president, and secretary, who shall be appointed by the said Board and at its pleasure removed; the terms of such officers shall be for a period of one (1) year, and with the exception of the secretary, shall be selected from the members of the Board of Public Works, and no president shall hold office for longer than a period of one (1) year. The Secretary of the Board shall have the control and custody of the books and accounts of the electric light and waterworks plants and shall be the general accounting officer of said plants. The Board of Public Works shall allow such secretary a salary for such services, to be approved by the Board of Aldermen. Said secretary shall give bond as such, payable to the City of Salisbury, in such sum as the Board shall deem necessary, for the faithful performance of his/her duties as such secretary and the turning over of all monies collected by him/her to the City Treasurer according to the rules and regulations of the Board of Public Works, and the laws of Missouri; and said bond to be made in duplicate and approved by the Board of Public Works, and one (1) copy thereof shall be filed with the Board of Public Works and the other copy in the office of the Clerk of the City of Salisbury.
[CC 1996 § 170.090; Ord. No. 225 § 9, 4-4-1951]
Said Board of Public Works may employ a superintendent and such subordinates, including engineers, inspectors, clerks, firemen, assistants and such other persons as may be necessary, but the number of such additional appointees and the compensation thereof shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen. Said Board shall have the right to remove said superintendant and subordinates by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of said Board.
[CC 1996 § 170.100; Ord. No. 225 § 10, 4-4-1951]
All bills of said Board of Public Works and all salaries of its employees shall be passed upon by the Board of Public Works and approved by it and the amounts thereof certified to the Board of Aldermen, and shall be paid in the same manner as the salaries of other City Officers and employees of the City and as other bills of the City are allowed and paid.
Editor's Note: Former Section 140.120, Members Of Board Not To Accept Other Office, was repealed 3-14-2024 by Ord. No. 24-03-01. Prior history includes: CC 1996 § 170.110; and Ord. No. 225.
[CC 1996 § 170.120; Ord. No. 225 § 12, 4-4-1951]
The Board of Public Works shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government of the department, not inconsistent with the general laws of this State, the statutes pertaining to Cities of the Fourth Class in the State of Missouri, or the ordinances of the said City.
[CC 1996 § 170.130; Ord. No. 225 § 13, 4-4-1951]
It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to keep books of accounts showing with entire accuracy contemporaneous current entries of the receipts and expenditures of the Board in such manner as to enable the same to be understood and investigated, and also to preserve on file in its office duplicate vouchers for all its expenditures, which books and duplicates shall at all times be open to the examination of the Finance Committee of the Board of Aldermen, or any other committee appointed by the Board of Aldermen, and such Board shall, through its Secretary, make monthly, quarterly and annual reports of its business and transactions to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said City and shall cause said annual report to be published in some newspaper published in the City of Salisbury, Missouri.
[CC 1996 § 170.140; Ord. No. 225 § 14, 4-4-1951]
All contracts and official acts of the Board of Public Works shall be signed by the President or by two (2) members of said Board and attested under the hand of the Secretary.
[CC 1996 § 170.150; Ord. No. 225 § 15, 4-4-1951]
The Board of Public Works shall purchase all supplies and materials used by the City in the operation of the electric light and waterworks plants of said City.
[CC 1996 § 170.160; Ord. No. 225 § 16, 4-4-1951]
The Board of Public Works shall have the power and it shall be its duty to fix rates for light, power and water in conformity with the laws of Missouri and to contract with individuals for the same; provided that no contract shall be entered into for a longer period than one (1) year unless the same be approved by the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1996 § 170.170; Ord. No. 448, § 1, 2]
The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and given the power to take charge of the trimming from time to time of trees and shrubs that the said Board determines are growing in such a manner that such trees or shrubs are overhanging a street, alley or other public place in the City upon which electric or power lines are erected and are interfering with the wires or other equipment on said lines. The Board of Public Works shall trim trees or shrubs that it determines to be in need of trimming in such manner that it deems necessary to provide proper clearance between the nearest wires or equipment on said lines and any portion of the trees or shrubs.
Whenever the Board of Public Works determines that a tree or shrub is beyond the parking area, which is the area between the street and a sidewalk if there is one, or where a sidewalk would be if provided, is in need of trimming as provided in Subsection (A) of this Section, it shall, prior to trimming each tree or shrub, notify and inform the owner of the property upon which the tree or shrub is growing that the said Board shall be trimming such trees or shrub in such a manner as to provide proper clearance between the branches, limbs, twigs or leaves of said tree or shrub and the wires or other equipment on the electric light or power lines.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019[1]]
There is hereby established within and for the City an executive department to be known as the Salisbury Park Board to consist of five (5) members who shall be duly registered electors of said City, who shall have resided therein for a period of at least one (1) year before their appointment to be a member of said Park Board. Said five (5) members shall be appointed by the Mayor of said City; however, all such appointed members must be approved and confirmed by a majority of the Board of Aldermen prior to such appointment becoming effective.
Editor's Note: Former Article II, Park Board containing Sections 140.200 through 140.360, was repealed 11-14-2019 by Ord. No. 19-11-01.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
Citizen members shall serve for a period of three (3) years. Vacancies shall be filled by appointments by the Mayor subject to the approval and confirmation of the Board of Aldermen as herein provided. All members shall serve without compensation, except that if the Board of Aldermen deems it advisable, they may direct that the Secretary be compensated at such amount as may be fixed by them from time to time.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Board shall elect one (1) of its number to be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board shall keep a correct and accurate written record of all of its proceedings; said written record shall be available and open to public inspection at any and all reasonable times and places. The Secretary shall retain custody of said written record of all proceedings.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Board shall provide a copy of the monthly minutes of the last Board meeting to the Board of Aldermen via the office of the City Clerk. Monthly minutes shall include a listing of members present at each meeting. In addition, at the January meeting of the Board of Aldermen of each year, said Park Board shall present a report to said Board of Aldermen outlining the Park Board's prior year activity summary, financial statement and projected program for the upcoming year.
Said monthly meetings of the Board shall be open to the general public.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting business.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Park Board shall have control, jurisdiction, superintendence and charge of all public parks and any lands or lots heretofore or hereafter devised and bequeathed to the City for park purposes, and shall direct the ornamenting, adorning, laying out and improving of the grounds of said parks, and for that purpose may employ such workmen and purchase or contract for material as they may deem necessary; provided that in no case shall the amount paid for the workmen or to be paid for such purchase or contracts exceed the amount of money appropriated for this purpose. The Board shall collect all rents from any facility on said park and shall deposit it in the Park Fund in the City Treasury.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Board may employ some competent persons as Park Custodians and define their duties. A detailed job description shall be created for and acknowledged in writing by the Park Custodian. The Superintendent of City Services shall oversee and supervise the Park Custodian.
Such Custodian(s) shall see to it that all parks are kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall report to the Park Board when any of the park buildings or grounds shall be in need of repair or improvement. He/she shall further see to it that all play areas and facilities are kept in good and safe condition and that all restrooms and facilities are kept in clean and sanitary condition.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
All receipts on account of the City Parks, whether arising from rentals, donation, sale of any part thereof, or of any lands so willed and devised by any person to said City for park purposes, shall be exclusively expended and applied under the direction and control of the Park Board.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
Such Board shall also have charge of and responsibility for scheduling for the use of all park facilities, including but not limited to scout cabin, tennis courts, horse-shoe pitching area, baseball/softball facilities, including lighting thereof, and the shelter houses.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
Such Park Board shall have the following areas of primary responsibility:
Planning. The Board shall cause to be prepared both a short-term plan (one (1) year) as well as a long-term plan (five (5) years). Said plan shall be reviewed and revised if needed on an annual basis.
Personnel. The Board shall have sole authority and responsibility for the hiring, supervision, firing, compensation of all custodial, maintenance and recreation personnel that are paid out of the park fund.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Park Board herein created shall have sole authority for disbursement and utilization of any and all funds generated by said City of Salisbury by means of a tax levy earmarked for park purposes.
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Park Board shall have authority to work closely with all the various City service departments (water, sewer, street, police, fire, etc.).
[Ord. No. 19-11-01, 11-14-2019]
The Board of Aldermen of t he City of Salisbury, Missouri, shall and hereby is directed to work closely with the Park Board herein created in implementation of both the short-term and longterm plan after adoption of same by said Board of Aldermen. A Park Board representative shall attend Board of Aldermen meetings on a quarterly basis and shall provide an update on the City's park system, board activities, needs, and concerns.