[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 300]
For the purpose of this Chapter, the land contained within the boundaries of the Borough of New Oxford is hereby designated into the following districts:
Town Center Mixed Use (TCM) District.
Town Center Residential (TCR) District.
Low Density Residential (LDR) District.
Moderate Density Resident (MDR) District.
Professional Office (PO) District.
Highway Commercial (HC) District.
Light Industrial (LI) District.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 301]
The boundaries of said districts shall be shown upon the map attached to and made part of this Chapter for the Borough of New Oxford, which map is dated, and designated as the "Official Zoning Map for the Borough of New Oxford." The said map and all notations, references, and other data shown therein are hereby incorporated by reference into this Part as if all were fully described herein.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 302]
When uncertainty exists as to boundaries of any district as shown on said map, the following rules shall apply:
District boundary lines are intended to follow or be parallel to the center line of streets, railroad, and lot or property lines as they exist on plans of record at the time of the adoption of this Chapter less such district boundary lines are fixed by dimensions as shown on the Zoning Map.
Where a district boundary is not fixed by dimensions and where said boundary approximately follows a lot lines, and where it does not scale more then 10 feet therefrom, such lot line shall be construed to be such boundary line unless specifically shown otherwise.
The permitted use of more than 1/2 of the area of a lot of less than one acre shall determine the use for the entire lot.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 303]
In case of any uncertainty, the Zoning Hearing Board shall interpret the intent of the map and determine the location of district boundaries.