[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 600]
In expansion of the Community Development Objectives contained in Part 1 of this Chapter, it is hereby declared to be the intent of the LDR District to establish reasonable standards to provide for single-family detached residences associated with perimeter of the Borough. Furthermore, it is the intent of this Part to:
Preserve the quiet and uncongested neighborhoods that currently exist in New Oxford's single-family residential areas.
Exclude incompatible commercial, industrial, and high density residential uses from locating in lower density residential neighborhoods.
Provide for single-family detached residential neighborhoods within walking distance of amenities such as schools, churches, social clubs, and shopping opportunities in the mixed-use area of the historic core of New Oxford.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 601]
Within the LDR District, the following uses are permitted by right.
Single-family detached dwellings.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 602]
Within the LDR District, the following uses are permitted by special exception. The Zoning Hearing Board may authorize a use as a special exception if it conforms, at a minimum, to the stated standards and criteria. The Zoning Hearing Board may apply additional criteria to specific projects where relevant, to protect the historic and architectural integrity of the Borough, and in the interest of public health, safety or welfare.
Home Occupations.
Home occupation may include art studios; barber shops and beauty salons containing a maximum of two chairs; instructional services limited to two pupils at a time; professional offices for a physician, dentist, lawyer, accountant, real estate agent, architect, or similar professional; taxidermist; or other activities of a similar nature.
The home occupation shall be carried on completely within the dwelling unit.
Not more than two persons, including the property owner, shall be employed in the home occupation.
Not more than 30% of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be devoted to the home occupation.
Exterior signs shall be limited to those signs permitted in the sign regulations of this Chapter.
Exterior storage of materials shall be prohibited.
The residential character of the dwelling shall not be altered to indicate the presence of the home occupation.
The home occupation shall not produce offensive noise, vibration, particulate matter, heat, glare, or other similar condition which would detract from the residential nature of the surrounding neighborhood.
[Ord. 12/28/1998, § 504]
The following standards shall govern all uses, subdivision projects, and land development plans within the LDR District.
The minimum lot size shall be 10,000 square feet.
The minimum lot width shall be 60 feet.
The maximum impervious lot coverage shall not exceed 40%. Impervious lot coverage includes features such as the building and paved parking lots and other such facilities that do not allow for the infiltration of water into the ground.
Front yards shall meet the following standards.
The minimum front yard depth shall be 20 feet measured from the street right-of-way line, unless adjoining properties contain structures with less front yard depth. In that event, the front yard setback may conform to the existing front yard depth of the adjoining properties.
The entire front yard shall be maintained as a landscaped area, except for walkways connecting the entrance with the public sidewalk and for one access driveway.
Existing trees in front yard areas shall not be cut down unless they interfere with an existing or proposed driveway or become diseased.
Parking shall only be permitted in front yard areas on existing access driveways.
Side yards shall meet the following standards.
The minimum side yard depth shall be 10 feet.
Rear yards shall meet the following standards.
The minimum rear yard depth shall be 30 feet if the property does not have alley access. For properties with alley access, the minimum rear yard depth shall be reduced to 15 feet.
Maximum building height shall be 30 feet.