[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1100]
In expansion of the Community Development Objectives in Part 1 of this Chapter, it is hereby declared to be the intent of this Part to place reasonable standards on the erection and maintenance of signs within the Borough of New Oxford. Furthermore, it is the intent of this Part to:
Maintain and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the historic, mixed-use core of New Oxford by requiring signs to be designed of sizes, shapes, colors and styles complimentary to the historic character of New Oxford.
Allow signs in all zoning districts that balance the needs of individual landowners with the desire of the community to perpetuate an attractive, livable environment.
Maintain adequate traffic safety standards by minimizing the negative sensory impacts of excessive sign age as well as minimizing sign age conflicts with necessary traffic control signs and equipment.
Encourage sign age that will meet the needs of pedestrians and occupants of moving vehicles traveling at speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1101]
The following regulations shall govern signs in all districts.
No sign shall be erected, enlarged or relocated until a permit for doing so, has been issued by the Zoning Officer. Applications shall be on forms provided by the Borough. All applications shall include a scale drawing specifying dimensions, materials, illumination, letter sizes, colors, location on land or buildings, and all other relevant information.
The following types of signs are exempted from the requirements of § 1102(A), provided the sign meets all other applicable Sections of this Part.
Official street and traffic signs and any other signs required by law.
Trespassing signs, signs indicating private ownership of roads and/or property, and similar signs, provided that such signs are spaced at intervals of no less than 100 feet and do not exceed two square feet in area.
Temporary, unlighted real estate signs advertising the sale or rental of the premises upon which they are erected, provided that the maximum area on any side of the sign shall not exceed six square feet, that the total area of the sign shall not exceed 12 square feet, that not more than two signs are placed on a property under single ownership, and that such signs are removed not more than five business days following the sale or rental of the premises.
Temporary, unlighted signs of contractors, painters, or similar artisans, erected on the premises where the work is being performed, provided that the maximum area of any one side of the sign shall not exceed eight square feet, that the total area of the sign shall not exceed 16 square feet, that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any property under single ownership, and that the sign shall be removed within one day of the completion of the work.
Temporary, unlighted yard or garage sale signs, provided that such signs shall not be displayed for more than 48 hours of each calendar month, that the total area of such signs shall not exceed four square feet, and that not more than two signs shall be displayed for any sale event.
Temporary, unlighted political signs, provided that such signs shall exceed six square feet in area, that such signs shall not be displayed earlier than 30 days prior to an election, and that such signs shall be removed within three working days after the said election.
Freestanding signs designating the "entrances" and "exits" to commercial and industrial establishments, provided that the signs be illuminated only be indirect lighting and that each side of the sign shall not exceed four square feet unless otherwise regulated by this Chapter.
Signs displaying the name and street number of the occupant of a residence, provided that the total area of the sign shall not exceed two square feet.
Any sign advertising or identifying a business or organization which is either defunct or no longer located on the premises is not permitted.
Off-premises directional signs are permitted in all districts by special exception. The Zoning Hearing Board may authorize the use of an off-premise directional sign if it conforms, at a minimum, to the stated standards and criteria. The Zoning Hearing Board may apply additional standards to specific projects where relevant, to protect the historic and architectural integrity of New Oxford Borough, and in the interests of public health, safety, and welfare.
The maximum area of any one side of a sign shall not exceed 10 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 20 square feet.
The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed 10 feet.
Within the TCM, TCR, PO, LDR, and MDR Districts, the sign shall only be illuminated by shielded lighting. To meet the requirements of this Section, the light source shall be hidden from vehicular and/or pedestrian view by a vegetative screen or a fixture surrounding the light source which directs the light to the sign face.
If three or more off-premises directional signs are proposed on the same property, the Borough may require the consolidation of the individual signs on a single off-premises directional sign. Compatibly designed business logos will be required. In addition, the following size requirements shall be required.
The maximum area of any one side of a consolidated off-premises directional sign shall not exceed six square feet for each advertised use.
The total area of a consolidated off-premises directional sign shall not exceed 12 square feet for each advertised use.
No sign shall use the words "stop," "caution" or "danger" or shall use red, yellow and/or green lights resembling traffic signals, or shall resemble traffic control signs in terms of size, shape or color.
No sign shall be located so as to interfere with the clear sight distance regulations of the New Oxford Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
Signs may be illuminated, unless otherwise prohibited herein, only to the extent that is necessary to be seen and read at night at a distance not to exceed 250 feet for signs of 10 square feet or more in area, and at a distance not to exceed 125 feet for sings of less than 10 square feet in area.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1102]
The following types of signs and/or sign design features are prohibited in all districts.
Flashing signs and/or flashing and/or rotating lights.
Revolving, rotating or otherwise moving signs.
Animated signs.
Changeable copy signs except when copy is changed manually. Signs with the express purpose of displaying the time and temperature are exempted from this requirement.
Moveable signs, whether mounted on a trailer, vehicle, temporary base, or similar such device. A vehicle, painted or decorated so as to display an advertising or related message, and parked in a visible location, shall be considered a moveable sign.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1103]
Within the Low Density Residential (LDR) and the Moderate Density Residential (MDR) Districts, the following sign regulations shall apply:
Signs advertising a home occupation are permitted, provided that the following requirements are met.
The maximum area of any one side of the sign shall not exceed four square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed eight square feet.
The sign shall only be illuminated by shielded lighting. To meet the requirements of this Section, the light source shall be hidden from vehicular and/or pedestrian view by a vegetative screen or a fixture surrounding the light source which directs the light to the sign face. In no case shall lighting be permitted that either directly or indirectly produces glare affecting neighboring residential properties.
The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed six feet, unless a wall sigh or projecting sign is used.
Unlighted signs identifying the name and entrances of a residential development are permitted, provided that the following requirements are met.
One free-standing sign may be located at the main entrance to the residential development. Such a sign shall not exceed 25 square feet in total area or six feet in height.
One free-standing sign may be located at each secondary entrance to the residential development. Such a sign shall not exceed six square feet in area or five feet in height.
All signs associated with a residential development shall be located in a landscaped setting. Acceptable landscaping materials include grass, mulch, shrubs, and trees. A landscaping sketch shall accompany the sign permit application.
Signs may only be illuminated by shielded lighting. To meet the requirements of this Section, the light source shall be hidden from vehicular and/or pedestrian view by a vegetative screen or a fixture surrounding the light source which directs the light to the sign face. In no case shall lighting be permitted that either directly or indirectly produces glare affecting neighboring residential properties.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1104]
Within the Professional Office (PO) District, the following sign regulations shall apply:
Signs advertising a professional office or specialty retail establishment are permitted, provided that the following requirements are met:
The maximum are of any one side of a sign shall not exceed 10 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 20 square feet.
The sign shall only be illuminated by shielded lighting. To meet the requirements of this Section, the light source shall be hidden from vehicular and/or pedestrian view by a vegetative screen or a fixture surrounding the light source which directs the light to the sign face. In no case shall lighting be permitted that either directly or indirectly produces glare on neighboring residential properties.
The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed six feet, unless a wall sign or projecting sign is used.
Unlighted signs identifying a commercial daycare or group home facility are permitted, provided that the following requirements are met:
Only wall signs shall be permitted. The sign shall be visually compatible, in terms of color and materials, with the building to which it is attached.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed six feet.
[Ord. 12/21/1999, § 1105]
Within the Highway Commercial (HC) District, the following sign regulations shall apply.
A single sign shall be permitted on the same lot as a single business to which the sign refers, provided that the following requirements are met.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 40 square feet.
The maximum height of any free-standing sign shall not exceed 15 feet.
The total area of the sign for a commercial property may be increased by 20% if the applicant chooses to use a wall sign.
Any free-standing sign proposed for a commercial use in operation prior to the enactment of this Chapter for the Borough of New Oxford shall be located in a landscaped setting. Acceptable landscaping materials include grass, mulch, shrubs, and trees. A landscaping sketch shall accompany the sign permit application.
Any free-standing sign proposed for a commercial use, developed in accordance with Part 9 of this Chapter, shall be incorporated into the landscaping required for the site.
Where a single business has frontage on two public streets, two signs, meeting the requirements of § 1106(A), shall be permitted.
Signs within a shopping/personal service plaza shall meet the following requirements:
A free-standing sign may be erected to identify the name and entrance to the plaza, provided that the following requirements are met:
The maximum area of any one side of the sign shall not exceed 75 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 150 square feet.
The sign shall be located no less than 20 feet from the adjoining road right-of-way.
The sign shall be incorporated into the landscaping required for the site.
A single wall sign is permitted for each individual establishment located within the plaza, provided that the following requirements are met:
The total area of each wall sign shall not exceed 35 square feet.
Each wall sign shall be designed to be visually compatible, in terms of color and materials, with buildings of the plaza.
Billboards are permitted within the HC District by special exception. The Zoning Hearing Board may authorize the use of a billboard if it conforms, at a minimum, to the stated standards and criteria. The Zoning Hearing Board may apply additional standards to specific projects where relevant, to protect the historic and architectural integrity of New Oxford Borough, and in the interest of public health, safety, and welfare.
Billboards shall only be proposed for parcels of land in excess of one acre in size.
The maximum area of any one side of the billboard shall not exceed 50 square feet.
The total area of the billboard shall not exceed 100 square feet.
The maximum height of the billboard shall not exceed 20 feet.
The billboard shall be located at least 100 feet from any principle structure within the HC District or surrounding zoning district.
The billboard shall be designed such that the support structure of the billboard contains no more than two vertically aligned poles. Signs that require support structure in excess of the two permitted vertical poles shall not be permitted.
The land surrounding the base of the billboard shall be planted with at least two of the following types of vegetation: grass, shrubbery, evergreen trees, or similar species.
Any garbage or other waste and/or refuse which accumulates within the landscaping shall be promptly removed and disposed of by the billboard owner.
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1106]
Within the Town Center Mixed Use (TCM) and Town Center Residential (TCR) Districts, the following sign regulations shall apply:
A maximum of one sign shall be permitted for each nonresidential use of a structure, provided that the following requirements are met:
The maximum area of any one side of a sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in the TCM District or six square feet in the TCR District.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in the TCM District or 12 square feet in the TCR District.
Where wall signs are used, the maximum area of the sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in the TCM District or 12 square feet in the TCR District.
Projecting signs above public sidewalks, driveways, or walkways shall be located so as to provide for eight feet of clearance beneath the sign. Such projecting signs shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
All signs shall be constructed of a durable material, and designed in such a way to compliment the historic village character of New Oxford Borough.
All signs shall be visually compatible, in terms of color, with the front facade of the structure to which the sign is attached. Dark backgrounds with light-colored lettering and/or designs are preferred.
Signs shall only be illuminated by shielded lighting. To meet the requirements of this Section, the light source shall be hidden from vehicular and/or pedestrian view by a vegetative screen or a fixture surrounding the light source which directs the light to the sign face. In no case shall lighting be permitted that either directly or indirectly produces glare affecting neighboring residential properties.
Where the structure is located at the intersection of two public streets, the Zoning Officer may authorize additional signs, provided that all additional signs meet the regulations of § 1107(A)
[Ord. 12/21/1998, § 1107]
Within the Light Industrial (LI) District, the following sign regulations shall apply:
A maximum of one sign shall be permitted that displays the owner/occupant of the premises and the activity conducted thereon, provided that the following requirements are met.
The maximum area of any one side of a sign shall not exceed 100 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 200 square feet.
A maximum of one sign may be erected at each entrance and/or exit to or from a public road that identifies the property's activity and the entrance and/or exit, provided that the following requirements are met:
The maximum area of the side of such shall not exceed 10 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 20 square feet.
The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed six feet.
On parcels containing multiple activities, a single sign shall be permitted for each individual activity, provided that the following requirements are met:
The maximum area of any one side of the sign shall not exceed 75 square feet.
The total area of the sign shall not exceed 150 square feet.
The maximum height of any freestanding sign within the Light Industrial (LI) District shall not exceed 15 feet. The maximum height of any wall or projecting sign shall not exceed a height equal to 75% of the height of the wall upon which the sign is located. The maximum height of any entrance or exit sign shall not exceed six feet.
For any residential development permitted by special exception in the Light Industrial (LI) District, the sign regulations of § 1104 shall apply.
Billboards are permitted, provided the following standards are met:
The maximum area of any one side of the billboard shall not exceed 150 square feet.
The total area of the billboard shall not exceed 300 square feet.
The maximum height of the billboard shall not exceed 25 feet.
The billboard shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any residentially zoned property or any property within the LI District where residential development has occurred according to the applicable standards of §§ 1003(D) or 1004(E).