The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into this article
as if fully set forth herein.
The following words and phrases when used in this article shall
for the purpose of this article have the following meanings:
Pertaining to a tree or shrub, the ground area immediately
beneath the branches of the tree or shrub.
Gardens, lawns, trees, shrubs, and other living plants, excluding
new sod and seeded turf lawns.
Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company, organization, or entity of any kind.
Areas of mowed or cultivated grass species, including but
not limited to rye grass, fescue, bentgrass, Bermuda, and/or zoysiagrass,
exceeding 100 square feet in area.
The water provided by and obtained by a person from a water
supply system operated by the Village or any third person.
A water supply distribution system operated by the Village
or a third person which provides potable water service through waterlines
and mains within the Village of Homer Glen.
No person shall allow a continuous stream of water to run off
into any gutter, ditch, drain, or street inlet while using water for
restricted purposes during the permitted hours of water use.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to any commercial
or industrial entity for which use of water is necessary to continue
normal business operations, or to maintain stock or inventory; provided,
however, this exception shall not apply to any uses of water not essential
to normal business operations or the maintenance of inventory or stock
or landscape watering.
Whenever the water supply of the Village is diminished from
any cause, including, but not limited to, prolonged dry period, increased
water demand, equipment failure, or water quality concerns, to an
amount which in the opinion of the Village Manager is or is likely
to become dangerous to the health and safety of the public, the Village
President, Village Manager or his designee is hereby authorized and
empowered to issue an emergency proclamation in the form of a notice
containing other additional regulations or restrictions on the use
of water from the water distribution system. Upon issuing such proclamation,
the Village President, Village Manager or his designee shall make
the contents thereof known to the public by news release to the local
newspapers and radio media and may also notify the citizens in any
other practical manner that shall be devised. Further, the Village
President, Village Manager or his designee shall immediately notify
all members of the Village Board of the nature of the emergency and
the regulations that have been imposed. The emergency proclamation
of the Village President, Village Manager or his designee and the
regulations imposed thereby shall remain in full force and effect
until the Village President, Village Manager or his designee determines
that the emergency no longer exists or until the Village Board modifies,
repeals or makes permanent the emergency proclamation, and the regulations
imposed thereby, by means of ordinance passed at any regular or special
meeting of the Village Board.
In addition to any other remedies available to the Village,
any person found to have violated any of the provisions of this article
shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount of not more
than $150 for a first offense, and not less than $250 and not more
than $750 for each subsequent offense. A separate violation of this
article shall be deemed to have been committed on each day during
which a violation occurs or is permitted to continue. The Village
shall have the right to file legal action to enjoin activities which
are in violation of the provisions of this article.