[Adopted 3-24-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003 as § 341 of the 2003 Code]
Property owners are responsible for all necessary maintenance on sidewalks adjacent to their property and shall keep them in reasonably good and safe repair regardless of the type of sidewalk.
Defective sidewalks are any:
Irregular surfaces. Whose surface is peeling or crumbling, or has gaps, holes, depressions, breaks, projections or other irregularities.
Uneven blocks. With ridges or gaps or differences in elevation between adjoining sections.
Not level. With sections that are not level, except for handicap ramps, driveway approaches or similar situations.
Jurisdiction to issue notice of defects. The Public Works Superintendent, Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer or their designated agents may order the repair of defective sidewalks and take remedial action.
Inspection and report. The Public Works Superintendent or Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer shall inspect any sidewalk reported to be defective and file a report in their office.
Confirmation and notice. Where sidewalk defects are confirmed, the Public Works Superintendent or Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer shall serve notice on the owner or agent and post a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the premises. The notice shall contain the following:
The premises where the defective sidewalk is located.
Specification of the sidewalk's defects.
Designation of the area where repair or replacement must be made.
An order that repairs commence within 40 days of the notice.
The procedure to request a hearing before the Village Board if the owner does not agree with the findings of the Public Works Superintendent or Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer, which hearing shall be scheduled not less than 20 business days from the date of service of the written notice.
A statement that, if this order is not complied with, the Village Board is authorized to have the sidewalk repaired and add the cost to the tax levy for the property.
Extensions. The Public Works Superintendent or Codes Enforcement/Economic Development Officer may extend the compliance deadline in writing for cause and with reasonable terms and conditions.
Inspection and correction. The property owner/contractor is responsible for the quality of the finished sidewalk. A representative of the Public Works Department will inspect the project from time to time, and may require the owner to remove and replace new construction that does not meet the construction standards herein.
Application and permit. Before starting sidewalk repair or construction, the contractor or owner must obtain a sidewalk permit from the Public Works Superintendent or his designee. Applications are furnished by the Public Works Superintendent.
Fees. The sidewalk permit fee, as set by resolution of the Village Board, is paid when application is made.
Workers' compensation certificate. No sidewalk permit shall be issued until the contractor has filed a certificate with the Village Clerk proving workers' compensation insurance coverage for all employees and such other insurance as the Public Works Superintendent may require.
Prohibition of substandard work. All work shall conform to the grade established by the Department of Public Works.
Concrete required. All replacement sidewalks shall be made of concrete.
Standards for construction. All sidewalk work must conform to regulations established by the Public Works Superintendent and filed with the Village Clerk, which shall include:
Minimum width and depth of sidewalk sections in residential and business areas.
Excavation and subbase requirement.
Forming and reinforcement.
Concrete mixture specifications, fine and coarse aggregate specifications.
Water quality.
Mixing of concrete ingredients.
Joints and finishing.
Protection of wet concrete.
Construction safeguards.
Any other items the Public Works Superintendent deems appropriate.
Contractors shall make sidewalk permits available for inspection by the Public Works Superintendent or his agent.
Prohibition of obstruction. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether or not interested in the property affected by this article, to hinder or obstruct the Department of Public Works or any person acting on its behalf and including any contractor performing the work pursuant to this article.
Ineligible replacements. Sidewalk work performed by the Village because the owner failed to agree to the work shall be ineligible for any Village sidewalk reimbursement plan.
Sidewalk violation penalties. Anyone violating this article shall be subject to a fine set by resolution of the Village Board and to any other remedies or actions under this article or other laws.
Reimbursement for Village work. When the Village performs work under this article, the Public Works Superintendent shall notify the Village Clerk of the cost of this work, and the Village Clerk shall send a bill for this amount plus 25% to the property owner, along with a copy of this article. Any balance not paid within 30 days shall be added to the tax levy for that property.
When a program, as set by resolution of the Village Board, is in effect to share the cost of sidewalk repair with residents, repair of a defective sidewalk through participation in that program shall constitute compliance with this article.