Cross References — As to license tax on outdoor advertising companies, §605.150; as to license tax on billposters, §605.150.
No advertising matter or notices of any kind shall be posted upon any of the telegraph poles, electric light poles or any other poles within this City. Any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.
No person shall post, stick or put upon any street, alley, sidewalk, wall, fence, bridge, billboard or other public place within this City or suffer, permit or cause the same to be done any lewd, indecent, immoral or grossly written or printed advertisement, bill, poster or circular. Nor shall any person leave or place or cause to be left or placed any such advertisement, bill, poster, circular or notice in or upon any house, building, yard or premises whether the same be enclosed in an envelope or in any other form. Nor shall any person give or cause to be given to any person such advertisement, bill, poster, circular or notice.
Cross Reference — As to offenses against morals generally, §210.1350 et seq.