Reference is made to Zoning Ordinance Article IX, which primarily regulates this subject, particularly for size, number and placement.[1] The following are additional guidelines. See also guidelines for specific types of uses and developments.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 405, Zoning, Art. IX, Sec. B.
Quantity. See Zoning Ordinance, Article IX.
Size. See Zoning Ordinance, Article IX.
Height. See Zoning Ordinance, Article IX.
Design. All signs should be architecturally integrated with their surroundings in terms of size, shape, color, texture, and lighting so that they are complementary to the overall design of the building and are not in visual competition with other signs in the area.
Compatibility. All signs should complement their surroundings without competing with each other, should convey their message clearly and legibly, should be vandal-proof and weather-resistant, and, if illuminated, should not be overly bright for their surroundings. New signs proposed for existing buildings should provide a compatible appearance with the building signage of other tenants. With multiple signs on a single building, an attempt should be made to bring in a unifying element (such as size), even where no sign program exists.
Mounting. Signs that are replaced on masonry or stucco exteriors can result in unattractive "patched" areas. These potential maintenance problems should be addressed during the design phase of the project. Signs on masonry surfaces should typically be anchored into the mortar joints.
Businesses should not be "over-signed." Sign ordinance limitations will be strictly enforced.
Individual type. Signs composed of individual letters are encouraged. Back-lit (halo-lit, or reverse pan channel) letters are generally desirable for logos and wider individual letters. Individual metal letters are often the best choice for office identification signs.
Cabinet signs. Internally illuminated or non-illuminated cabinet signs are generally not appropriate and are strongly discouraged. Signs that incorporate a mixture of media, such as a cabinet sign with a rim of neon, are highly discouraged.
Freestanding signs on poles which have a top-heavy appearance are discouraged; twin posts help reduce the top-heavy appearance.
Roof signs. The use of roof signs should be avoided, both for appearance and structural integrity of the roof. Alternate locations where the sign can be hung parallel to the storefront or facade should be considered.
Monument signs. Freestanding monument signs are generally discouraged, as they are oversized and emblematic of strip malls nationwide. The freestanding sign should be a low height wherever site conditions allow for visibility. Monument sign materials should reflect the character of the use and the building the sign identifies.
Landscaping. Landscaping should be designed around the base of freestanding and monument signs to integrate the sign with the ground plane and screen out any low-level floodlights. Irrigation should be designed so it does not damage the sign.
Skyline signs. Skyline signs placed on the upper portions of buildings should be constructed of individual halo-lit letters if illumination is desired.
Driveway directional signs. These should only be used for projects where circulation is complex and traffic must proceed through the site along a specific path for service. Where the layout of the parking lot and driveways is obvious and clearly apparent to the driver entering from the street, directional signage is not needed and is strongly discouraged in order to prevent visual clutter.
Standards. Where traffic control signage is used it should conform to the standards found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other such applicable codes.
Background. Dark colored backgrounds on signs are generally encouraged. Stark white or extremely bright background colors such as bright red, orange or yellow are strongly discouraged. Where the design of the sign results in a large field of illuminated background, the use of white or off-white as a background color should be avoided.
Raceways. Visible raceways and transformers for individual letters are strongly discouraged. Sign installation details should indicate where the transformer and other mechanical equipment will be located.
Supports. Exposed supports or guy wires to stabilize signs are strongly discouraged.
Cabinet signs. For cabinet signs, the use of opaque backgrounds that only allow illumination of the cutout letter or graphic area is encouraged. This can be accomplished with a metal routed sign face using Plexiglas behind (the preferred method) or with a vinyl-coated Plexiglas. When designing a cabinet sign, an ample border around letters should be maintained. Standard proportions should be 1/4 borders, letters and 1/4 borders.
Channel letters. When using reverse pan channel letters, avoid small printing, as it does not read well at night. The color of the trim caps should match the color of the letter face or the cabinet return.
Foam letters. The use of plastic foam letters is recommended only if used eight feet zero inches (8'-0") or higher above ground level. Each letter should be properly capped with Plexiglas. In addition, each letter should be studded and glued to the wall to provide a more secure sign connection.
Flat sheet signs. Flat sheet signs (such as plywood) are generally discouraged. When employed, they should have a trimmed edge or frame to improve the finished appearance of the sign.
Fit. Signage should be designed to fit properly into the sign location. In some cases, the corporate identification and/or logo should be split into two (2) or more lines to fit attractively into the space.
Font size. Small letters on the sign face, or used as part of the sign, do not read well and are discouraged. Words on signs to be read from the street should be legible from at least one hundred feet (100') away.
Illumination. Shining light on individual letter signs is discouraged for both skyline signs and signs placed high on building walls. Business signs in residential zones may not be directly illuminated. Indirect lighting is encouraged.
Off-site glare. Arrange any external spot or flood lighting so that the light source is screened from direct view by passers-by, and so that the light is directed against the sign and does not shine into adjacent property or blind motorists and pedestrians. Where individual letter signs face nearby residential areas, a low level of brightness can be maintained by using halo-lit letters.
Halo-lighting. Halo-lit or back-lit letters are highly encouraged for both office and retail use. Such signs convey a subtle and attractive appearance and are very legible under moderate ambient lighting conditions. Face illumination letters may be appropriate for retail use.
Sign programs. New construction design should anticipate signage and, where necessary, a sign program. New building design should provide logical sign areas and dimension, allowing flexibility for new users, as the building is re-tenanted over time. Designs that provide for convenient and attractive replacement of signs are encouraged.
Complementarity. Sign programs should be designed to complement the style, color and materials of the building. The best sign programs are integrated so that they become a natural part of the building facade.
Design. Sign programs that provide attractive combinations of type styles and colors are encouraged. Within the sign program, the background color, type style and print color of the sign should be consistent. However, the use of a logo that provides identification for the business can be used to bring distinction to the business within the framework established by the sign program.