Development plan review of applications for certain uses, as specified in the Portsmouth Zoning Ordinance,[1] requiring a special use permit or a variance, shall be conducted by the Planning Board and shall be advisory to the permitting authority.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 405, Zoning.
Development plan review undertaken by the Planning Board shall be subject to Sections 45-23-25 through 45-23-74 of the R.I. General Laws (the Subdivision Enabling Act) plus all Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Portsmouth.
Applications subject to Development Plan Review shall, immediately upon receipt of an application to the Zoning Board of Review, refer the site plan and related documents to the Portsmouth Planning Board for review and advice. Two (2) copies of the site plan shall be delivered to the Portsmouth Planning Board. Said Portsmouth Planning Board shall make a written report to the Zoning Board of Review within forty-five (45) days of receipt of said plan by the Planning Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Applications which are materially changed after review by the Planning Board may, at the discretion of the Zoning Board of Review, be referred back to the Planning Board for further review.
Nothing herein shall be construed to permit waivers of any regulations unless approved by the permitting authority pursuant to these Regulations.
Preliminary plans may be submitted to the Planning Board for informal discussion, provided however, any tentative advisory opinion of a preliminary plan by the Planning Board shall not be binding upon the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Review.