[Adopted 6-21-1965 (Ch. 5, § 5-1, of the Town Code); amended in its entirety 5-21-2018]
The Board of Fire Commissioners shall:
Be responsible for the supervision, management, discipline and control of the Fire Department and shall have all the powers conferred on it and perform all the duties required of it by law.
Receive nominations of the Woodbury Fire Department of a Chief, Deputy Chief, two Captains, two First Lieutenants, two Second Lieutenants and one or more foremen or assistant chiefs, and one or more engineers and assistant engineers, as the Department may select in accordance with its bylaws, and approve of same. In the event of its disapproval of any of said officers, the Department shall, within 30 days, submit another nominee in their stead.
Appoint a Fire Marshal in accordance with the Woodbury Town Charter.
Perform such duties and functions as are provided by the General Statutes and such other duties as are or may be provided by ordinance.