[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. No. 471, 11/2/2020]
Where a parking space is designated on or adjacent to any street, alley or municipal parking lot or area within the Borough of New Oxford or on the New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building real property or other Borough municipal property for the parking of an individual vehicle, a vehicle shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding such parking space and only for the purposes designated for the use of such parking space.
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 422, 11/5/2007; and by Ord. 429, 12/1/2008]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
All streets
Less than 25 feet from corners of all intersections within the Borough
North Berlin Avenue
Lincoln Way East to School Street
Berlin Road
Carlisle Street east to Borough line
North Bolton Street
East and west
50 feet from the intersection with Lincoln Way West
South Church Street
[Added by Ord. 436, 8/2/2010]
Lincolnway East to Wehler Alley
South College Street
Lincoln Way East and East High Street
South College Street
An area 160 feet south of the center line of East High Street to an area 330 feet south of the center line of East High Street, including the curb return radii to the right-of-way of South College Street
South College Street
An area 705 feet south of the center line of East High Street to an area 1,190 feet south of the center line of East High Street, including the curb return radii to the right-of-way of South College Street
South College Street
An area 525 feet south of the center line of East High Street to an area 1,190 feet south of the center line of East High Street, including the curb return radii to the right-of-way of South College Street
Florin Street
Lincoln Way West and Factory Street
East George Street
Hanover Street and South Peters Street
Golden Lane
Carlisle Street West and Water Street
East Golden Lane
60 feet from the intersection with Carlisle Street
East High Street
South Peter Street and Hanover Street
West High Street
Hanover Street and South Water Street
West High Street
Water Street and Kohler Mill Road
West High Street
From the intersection with South Water Street to the intersection with Kohler Mill Road
Himes Alley
A distance of 188 feet north from West High Street to a point at which the alley makes a right angled turn west toward South Bolton Street
Kohler Mill Road
Lincoln Way West to the Borough line
Lincoln Way West
50 feet west with the intersection of North Bolton Street and 50 feet east of the intersection with North Bolton Street
South Middle Street
Lincoln Way West and West High Street
Property of New Oxford Borough Building
Bounded on the north by Berlin Road, on the East by Berlin Avenue, on the south by School Street and on the west by Peter Street
Oxford Lane
West High Street and West George Street
South Peters Street
From the end of the improved surface on South Peters Street extending in a northerly direction a distance of 22 feet
South Peters Street
From the end of the improved surface on South Peters Street extending in a northerly direction a distance of 45 feet
Stock Street
East George Street and East High Street
South Water Street
[Added by Ord. 450, 11/3/2014]
A distance of 115 feet from the southeast corner of its intersection with Lincoln Way West along the eastern side in a southerly direction to a point at the northern edge of a driveway
South Water Street
Lincoln Way West and West High Street
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 387, 2/7/2000; and by Ord. 408, 7/12/2004]
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at all times on the days and between the hours indicated in this section, as follows:
Berlin Road
A distance of 375 feet in a westerly direction from the eastern Borough line to the edge of an existing driveway located at certain real property known as 124 Berlin Road
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Commerce Street
From a point on Commerce Street 40 feet south of the intersection of Commerce Street and Lincoln Way East for a distance of 50 feet south thereof to a point 90 feet south of the intersection of Commerce Street and Lincoln Way East
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Building and entering into Berlin Road
[Repealed by Ord. No. 471, 11/2/2020]
North Peter Street
At the elementary school
School days
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
North Peter Street
[Repealed by Ord. No. 470, 1/6/2020]
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 456, 3/7/2016]
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
Borough of New Oxford, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
A motor vehicle designated to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver.
A three- or four-axle vehicle engaged in construction operations.
A motor vehicle to include but not limited to vehicles providing medical, fire and rescue, law enforcement and public safety, hazardous materials, disaster or related assistance to persons or property.
The value specified on the federal weight certification label by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a single vehicle.
A vehicle which is self-propelled except an electric personal assistive mobility device or a vehicle which is propelled solely by human power.
When prohibited, means the halting of a motor vehicle or vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading property or passengers.
A motor vehicle, except a motorcycle, designed primarily for the transportation of persons and designed for carrying no more than 15 passengers, including the driver, and primarily used for the transportation of persons. The term includes motor vehicles which are designed with seats that may be readily removed and reinstalled, but does not include such vehicles if used primarily for the transportation of property.
A motor vehicle designed or adapted for use as a mobile dwelling for recreational travel and camping purposes. Such term shall include a house coach or trailer, a mobile home, a motor home, a camper or any other type of camping vehicle.
A motor vehicle which i) is designed to carry 11 passengers or more, including a driver, and ii) is used for the transportation of preprimary, primary or secondary school students to or from public, private or parochial schools or events related to such schools or school-related activities.
A vehicle designed to be towed by a motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn.
Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices used exclusively upon rails or tracks.
A motor vehicle designed or constructed and used for the towing of abandoned or disabled vehicles.
Except as indicated below, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or the owner of any motor vehicle or vehicle to allow a motor vehicle or vehicle of the class or type listed below as defined hereinabove to remain parked in, on or along any street or alley used as a public passageway within the Borough:
Construction vehicle.
Recreational vehicle.
School bus.
Truck tractor.
Any motor vehicle or vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more.
Any motor vehicle or vehicle having a height of greater than nine feet or a length of greater than 30 feet.
An emergency vehicle being used in the Borough in response to a call while on official business within the Borough shall be exempt from the parking prohibitions of this section when being used and parked for such limited purposes.
A wrecker being used in the Borough for the purpose of legally towing a motor vehicle which is located in, on or along a public street or alley shall be exempt from the parking prohibitions of this section when being used and parked for such limited purposes.
A commercial motor vehicle making or receiving local deliveries or making local service calls to specific properties within the Borough shall be exempt from the parking prohibitions of this section when being used and parked for such limited purposes.
Any recreational vehicle being used by a resident of the Borough may be parked in, on or along a public street or alley immediately adjacent to the dwelling of the resident for loading or unloading purposes in preparation for or immediately following use of the recreational vehicle by such resident outside of the Borough limits and may remain so parked for a period of time not to exceed 15 consecutive hours when being used for such purposes and shall be exempt from the parking prohibitions of this section when being used and parked for such limited purposes.
The parking of motor vehicles or vehicles in, on or along public streets or alleys otherwise prohibited by this section shall be allowed, but such parking shall be limited to a time period of 48 hours, in the following locations within the Borough:
On the south side of Commerce Street between Timbar Lane and the Timbar Packaging and Display plant.
On South College Street south of Timbar Lane.
On Commerce Street between Hanover Street and South College Street.
On West Golden Lane between North Bolton Street and Tracey Avenue.
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 432, 12/1/2008]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow it to remain parked, for longer than the time indicated, in any of the following locations, at any time on the days and between the hours indicated:
Center Square
In front of U.S. Post Office
Business hours
15 minutes
Center Square
Except where limited to 15 minutes
Except Sunday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2 hours
West Golden Lane
A distance of 40 feet from the end of the yellow curb no-parking zone
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
1 hour
West Golden Lane
A distance of 40 feet from the end of the yellow curb no-parking zone
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
4 hours
Lincoln Way East
[Added by Ord. 457, 2/1/2016; repealed by Ord. No. 468, 11/4/2019]
Lincoln Way West
[Added by Ord. 457, 2/1/2016; repealed by Ord. No. 468, 11/4/2019]
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 418, 8/7/2006; by Ord. No. 471, 11/2/2020; by Ord. No. 475, 5/6/2024]
The following are established as special purpose parking zones, areas and spaces, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or to allow it to remain parked, in any such zone, space or area, except as specifically provided for within that parking zone, space or area:
Authorized Purpose or Vehicle
Center Square
East side, southeast quadrant, second and third parking spaces
Adjacent to and immediately in front of 35 Center Square with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Vehicle parking and access aisle for exclusive use by persons with disabilities in vehicles displaying appropriate plate or placard
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building on the north side of the building and adjacent to Berlin Road
North side of Borough Building and adjacent to south side of Berlin Road
Entire parking lot consistent with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Vehicles used by persons who are on the Borough property for the purpose of visiting the Borough municipal offices, the public library or any other offices within the Borough Municipal Office Building
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building adjacent to and accessed by School Street
South side of Borough Building and north side of School Street
Entire parking lot consistent with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Vehicles used by persons who are on the Borough property for the purpose of visiting the Borough municipal offices, the public library or any other offices within the Borough Municipal Office Building
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building adjacent to and accessed by School Street
Southeastern side of Borough Building and north side of School Street
Entire parking lot consistent with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Vehicles used by persons who are on the Borough property for the purpose of visiting the Borough municipal offices, the public library or any other offices within the Borough Municipal Office Building
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building adjacent to and accessed by School Street
South side of Borough Building
Consistent with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Persons with disabilities in vehicles displaying appropriate plate or placard conducting business in the Borough municipal office, the public library or any other offices in the New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building adjacent to and accessed by Berlin Road
North side of Borough Building and south side of Berlin Road
Consistent with signage designating special purpose parking and use
Specified Borough employees and personnel
Parking lot adjoining New Oxford Borough Municipal Office Building accessed by Berlin Road
Northeastern side of Borough Building and south side of Berlin Road
Consistent with signage designating special purpose Borough public works zone and area
Borough public works staff and personnel
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. No. 473, 8/2/2021]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle on a Borough street or on the street or roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a Borough street for the purpose of loading or unloading persons or property. The term "street," as used in this section, shall include any street, road, lane, court, cul-de-sac, alley, public way or public square consistent with the definition of that term in the Borough Code at 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101.1.
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999]
Only angle parking shall be permitted on the following portions of streets: Center Square
On all streets where angle parking is required, every vehicle parked at the angle shall be parked with its front nearest the curb.
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or to allow the same to remain parked, at any time between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on any of the following portions of the highways of the Borough on the days hereby respectively designated for street sweeping purposes:
[Ord. 384, 6/7/1999; as amended by Ord. 452, 6/1/2015; and by Ord. No. 471, 11/2/2020]
Any person violating any of the provisions and regulations as set forth in this Part shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of $25 plus any court costs incurred by the Borough of New Oxford in the enforcement proceedings. Each day that any person shall continue in violation of the provisions and regulations of this Part shall constitute a separate violation. Following the successful prosecution of any continuing violation of the provisions and regulations set forth in this Part, any person found to be in violation of the same shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $600 per violation to be imposed by the District Court in lieu of the assessment of a fine and costs as previously provided for herein.
Any person violating the provisions and regulations in this Part relative to reserved parking for use by persons with disabilities is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200 as well as an additional fine of $50.