[Adopted by Ord. No. 14/71 (Ch. 15, Sec. 15-2, of the 1978 Revised General Ordinances)]
[Amended by Ord. No. 26-78]
The following service rates and other charges are hereby established by the Township to be charged all customers of the Division of Water Utilities within the Department of Public Works, Township of Denville.
[Amended by Ord. No. 26-78; Ord. No. 19-82; Ord. No. 1-84; Ord. No. 17-94; Ord. No. 8-95; Ord. No. 17-04; Ord. No. 21-05; Ord. No. 30-10; 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 27-21]
Quarterly rates are as follows:
Zero to 6,000 gallons: $30 per quarter.
Over 6,000 gallons: $5.95 per thousand gallons.
Where a single meter serves two or more residences or living units or two or more commercial or industrial units, the aforesaid quarterly minimum charge and these rates based upon gallons used shall apply to each individual residence or unit, or each individual commercial or industrial unit served.
Tapping charges.
Includes meters up to and including one inch. The cost for meters larger than one inch shall be determined by the municipality and paid for by the customer.
3/4 inch
$1,610 paved roads not exceeding 10 feet; over 10 feet at $1001
1 inch
$1,667 paved roads not exceeding 10 feet; over 10 feet at $1021
1 1/2 inches
$1,817 paved roads not exceeding 10 feet; over 10 feet at $1061
2 inches
$2,028 paved roads not exceeding 10 feet; over 10 feet at $1151
3 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches and 8 inches
Cost as calculated by the Township Engineer
L.F. extra
Additional charges will be made for:
Any house connection requiring an excavation greater than eight feet in depth or 25 feet in length, such additional charge to be based on the actual cost of construction and installation.
Any extra cost due to the presence of rock or excessive subsurface water conditions.
Any extra cost due to the excavation being required in county or state road or highway, or upon or under any railroad right-of-way.
Flat charge. For meter during construction of residential development or other type construction or for some special use: $30 per quarter.
Construction water. For usage during construction of residential development or other type construction or for some special use: $75 per quarter. For commercial and industrial construction, usage to be metered and billed accordingly.
Public and private yearly rental: $100.
Flow test of fire hydrant: $50.
Sprinkler systems; yearly rental charge:
Sprinkler System
Yearly Charge for Each Connection
Special/final readings on water: $35.
Special/final bills: $10.
Turn on water service: $35.
Turn off water service: $35.
Repair frozen water meter: $40, plus cost of meter.
Test water meter at customer's request (Fee is subject to refund if meter is found to have an error in excess of 3%): $50.
Fill swimming pool from hydrant:
For each 1,000 gallons of water used (Service must be requested at least 24 hours in advance): $15.
Minimum charge for any service call (includes services of Township employee if necessary): $20.
Connection fees. The water connection fee is $1,800 for single-family dwellings, $1,800 for apartments, and $1,800 for multiple-family dwellings per dwelling unit.
[Amended 10-3-2023 by Ord. No. 18-23]
[Amended by Ord. No. 8-95]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:31-12, all rates, rentals, tapping charges and other charges set forth in this article shall be a first lien or charge against the property benefited therefrom. If any part of the amount due and payable in rates, rentals, tapping charges or other charges remains unpaid for 30 days following the date for the payment thereof, interest upon the amount unpaid shall accrue at a rate of interest at least equal to the monthly index for the immediately preceding month for 20 year tax exempt bond yields as compiled by the Bond Buyer or similar index. Such interest and charges shall remain a lien on the premises connected until paid and the Township shall have the same remedies for the collection thereof, with interest, cost and penalties, as provided by law for the collection of real property tax liens.
Domestic customers served outside the Township are required to post a water deposit in the amount of $50 before water service is turned on. Deposits will be retained by the Division of Water Utilities within the Department of Public Works until notice to discontinue services is given by the customer upon application to the water utility collector.
Any unauthorized use of water supplied by the Division of Water Utilities within the Department of Public Works shall be paid for at the same rates as authorized use for the same type of water service, together with all costs incurred by the Division of Water Utilities within the Department of Public Works and its employees in discovering and correcting the unauthorized use. Such payment shall not in any way affect any criminal liability which may have been incurred by reason of such unauthorized use.
Where an existing service pipe supplies two or more customers or consumers any violation of the provisions of this article by either or any of the consumers, as the case may be, shall be deemed violation as to all, and the Division of Water Utilities within the Department of Public Works may take such action as could be taken if it were used by a single consumer.