Any regulated activity that meets one of the following exemption
criteria is exempt from the provisions of this chapter. These criteria
shall apply to the total development even if development is to take
place in phases. The date of the adoption of this chapter shall be
the starting point from which to consider tracts as parent tracts
in which respective impervious area computations shall be cumulatively
considered. Exemption shall not relieve the applicant from implementing
such measures as are necessary to protect health, safety, and property.
A. Regulated activities that create additional impervious areas less than or equal to 1,000 square feet are exempt from the requirements of this chapter except as provided for in Subsection
F, provided that the activities meet all of the following criteria. This exemption will be applied on a cumulative basis for the parent tract as measured from the enactment date of this chapter.
(1) Any applicant desiring exemption from design, plan submission, and
plan processing requirements shall complete an application for exemption
in the form available at the Township Office and pay any applicable
filing fee.
(2) The applicant for exemption shall provide the Township with all information
necessary for the Township to determine that:
There shall be no disturbance of land within floodplains, wetlands,
environmentally sensitive areas, riparian forest buffers, or slopes
greater than 15%.
No impervious surface coverage shall be installed and no earth
disturbance activity shall be conducted within any existing drainage
or stormwater easement created by or shown on any recorded plan.
The applicant shall minimize soil disturbance, take steps to
minimize erosion and sedimentation during construction activity, and
promptly reclaim all disturbed areas with topsoil and vegetation.
The applicant shall take steps that runoff be directed to pervious
areas on the subject property. No runoff shall be directed onto an
abutting street or neighboring property.
The proposed impervious surface shall not adversely impact any
existing known problem areas or downstream landowners or the quality
of runoff entering any storm sewer.
The proposed impervious surface and/or grading shall not create
accelerated erosion and sedimentation.
(3) If the proposed activity does not meet all of the criteria set forth in §
122-33A(2) above, the applicant may consider the minor land disturbance processing procedure in §
(4) No applicant and no activity is exempt from complying with any state
or federal requirements applicable if the subject property is located
in a high quality (HQ) or exceptional value (EV) watershed.
(5) No applicant and no activity shall violate or cause to be violated
the Federal Clean Water Act or any regulation issued thereunder, an
NPDES permit, any recorded stormwater management or Operations and
Maintenance Agreement, or any requirement applicable to a Municipal
Separate Storm Sewer System.
B. Activities on lands which have a prior approved stormwater management
plan, which was approved prior to the adoption of this chapter and
which, in the opinion of the Township following consultation with
the Township Engineer, adequately manages stormwater resulting from
the proposed activities, are exempt from the requirements of this
chapter that may conflict with the requirements of the stormwater
management ordinance in effect at the time of the approval of the
prior approved stormwater management plan.
C. Use of the land for gardening and landscaping of property, when performed
as an accessory use of the property, are exempt from the requirements
of this chapter.
D. Except as provided for in §
122-33F, agricultural activity when operated in accordance with a conservation plan or an erosion and sedimentation pollution control plan found to be adequate by the Conservation District and performed according to the requirements of PADEP Chapter 102. The agricultural activities such as growing crops, rotating crops, tilling of soil and grazing animals and other such activities are specifically exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
E. Except as provided for in §
122-33F, forest management and timber operations which are following the PADEP's management practices contained in its publication "Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines for Forestry" and are operating under an erosion and sedimentation control plan according to the requirements of PADEP Chapter 102 are specifically exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
F. The Township may deny or revoke any exemption pursuant to this section
at any time for any project that the Township believes may pose a
threat to public health, safety, property or the environment.
The following general standards shall be applied to all regulated activities to promote flow attenuation, erosion and sediment control and flood control, unless the otherwise regulated activity is specifically exempted in §
A. The stormwater management site plan shall include a note on the plan
informing the owner that the Township shall have the right of entry
for the purposes of inspecting all stormwater conveyance, treatment,
or storage facilities.
B. All landowners of land included in the stormwater management site
plan shall be required to execute all applications and final documents.
C. All stormwater management site plans shall be prepared by a qualified
D. A set of stormwater management site plans approved by the Township
shall be on file at the development site throughout the duration of
the regulated activity. Periodic inspections may be made by the Township
or designee during construction.
E. Stormwater management site plans shall be prepared in a form that
meets the requirements for recording for the Office of the Recorder
of Deeds of Lancaster County.
F. For all regulated earth disturbance activities, erosion and sediment
control BMPs shall be designed, implemented, operated, and maintained
during the regulated earth disturbance activities (e.g., during construction)
to meet the purposes and requirements of this chapter and to meet
all requirements under Title 25 of the Pennsylvania Code, the Clean
Streams Law, and the Stormwater Management Act.
G. Impervious areas.
(1) The measurement of impervious area shall apply to the total proposed
development even if development is to take place in stages or phases.
(2) For development taking place in stages or phases, the entire development
plan must be used in determining conformance with this chapter.
(3) Any areas designed to initially be gravel or crushed stone shall
be assumed to be impervious.
(4) Existing impervious areas that are not being altered by the proposed regulated activity shall not be subject to the volume controls in §
122-48 and the peak rate controls of §
H. All regulated activities shall include such measures as necessary
(1) Protect health, safety, and property;
(2) Meet the water quality goals of this chapter by implementing measures
Minimize disturbance to floodplains, wetlands, natural slopes,
existing native vegetation and woodlands.
Create, maintain, or extend riparian buffers and protect existing
forested buffers.
Provide trees and woodlands adjacent to impervious areas whenever
Minimize the creation of impervious surfaces and the degradation
of waters of the commonwealth and promote groundwater recharge.
Protect natural systems and processes (drainageways, vegetation,
soils, and sensitive areas) and maintain, as much as possible, the
natural hydrologic regime.
Incorporate natural site elements (wetlands, stream corridors,
mature forests) as design elements.
Avoid erosive flow conditions in natural flow pathways.
Minimize soil disturbance and soil compaction.
Minimize thermal impacts to waters of the commonwealth.
Disconnect impervious surfaces by directing runoff to pervious
areas wherever possible, and decentralize and manage stormwater at
its source.
(3) To the maximum extent practicable, the techniques for low impact
development (LID) practices described in the BMP manual shall be incorporated.
The proposed LID practices shall be noted on the stormwater management
site plan.
I. The design of all stormwater management facilities over karst shall
include an evaluation of measures to minimize adverse effects.
J. Infiltration BMPs, to the extent practicable, shall be spread out,
made as shallow as practicable when located above-grade, and located
to maximize use of natural on-site infiltration features while still
meeting the other requirements of this chapter.
K. Normally dry, open-top storage facilities shall completely drain
the volume control storage over a period of time not less than 24
hours and not more than 72 hours from the end of the design storm.
However, any infiltration at such facilities is exempt from the minimum
twenty-four-hour standard, i.e. may infiltrate in a shorter period
of time, provided that none of this water will be discharged into
waters of this commonwealth.
L. Normally dry, open-top storage facilities shall completely drain
the rate control storage over a period of time less than or equal
to 24 hours from the peak one-hundred-year water surface design elevation.
M. The design storm volumes and precipitation intensities to be used in the analysis of peak rates of discharge shall be as required in §
N. The applicant shall refer to the BMP manual for various BMPs and
their design standards.
O. For any activities that are regulated under PADEP Chapter 105 or
PADEP Chapter 106 or require any other permit under applicable state
or federal regulations, the permit(s) shall be part of the stormwater
management site plan and must be obtained prior to final plan approval.
The stormwater management site plan shall consist of all applicable
calculations, maps and plans, including simultaneous copies of all
plans, reports, and correspondence with the Conservation District.
A note on the maps shall refer to the associated computations and
erosion and sediment pollution control plan by title and date. The
cover sheet of the computations and erosion and sediment pollution
control plan shall refer to the associated maps by title and date.
All stormwater management site plan materials shall be submitted to
the Township in a format that is clear, concise, legible, neat and
well organized.
A. Drafting standards. All stormwater management site plans shall be
prepared in accordance with the following drafting standards.
(1) The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a horizontal scale
of 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, or 50 feet to the inch.
(2) All profiles of stormwater management facilities, streets, sanitary
sewer facilities, and water supply facilities shall be drawn at a
horizontal scale of one inch equals 50 feet and at a vertical scale
of one inch equals 10 feet, or one inch equals five feet.
(3) A north arrow, graphic scale and written scale shall be provided.
(4) Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals; bearings shall be in degrees,
minutes and seconds. Lot line descriptions shall read in a clockwise
(5) The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot
in 10,000 feet.
(6) The sheet size shall be no smaller than 18 inches by 22 inches and
no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches. If the plan is prepared in
two or more sections, a key map showing the location of the sections
shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one sheet is necessary,
each sheet shall be the same size and numbered to show the relationship
to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g. sheet 1 of 5).
B. Project location and identification. The following location and identification
shall be included on all stormwater management site plans:
(1) The proposed project name or identifying title.
(2) The name of the Township or municipalities in which the project is
located, including the location of any municipal boundaries if located
within 200 feet of the subject tract.
(3) The name and address of the owner of the tract (or his/her authorized
agent), the developer/subdivider, and the firm that prepared the plans.
(4) The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the
plan, the plan date and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
(5) The entire existing tract boundary with bearing and distances. (If
it is the intention of the landowner to retain a single lot with a
lot area in excess of 10 acres, the boundary of that lot may be identified
as a deed-plotting and may be drawn at any legible scale; if the retained
lot has a lot area of 10 or less acres, it must be described to the
accuracy of the requirements of this chapter.)
(6) The total acreage of the entire existing tract.
(7) The location of existing lot line markers along the perimeter of
the entire existing tract.
(8) The zoning district, lot size and/or density requirements of the
Township Zoning Ordinance.
(9) A statement on the plan indicating any prior modifications or waivers
granted by the Board of Supervisors to sections of this chapter.
The names of all adjacent landowners, both adjoining and across
existing rights-of-way, along with the plan book record numbers of
all previously recorded plans for adjacent properties.
A location map, drawn to scale, relating the tract to at least
two intersections of street centerlines, including the approximate
distance to the intersection of centerlines of the nearest improved
street intersection.
Source of title, deed, book, page, plan book (if applicable),
and tax map, block, and parcel number.
A note indicating existing and proposed land use(s).
C. Existing features. The following features shall be shown on all stormwater
management site plans and shall be shown on a separate sheet titled
"Existing Features." No proposed features shall be included on this
(1) Existing contours shall be shown at the following minimum vertical
Average Natural Slope
Required Contour Interval
0 to 3%
1 foot
4 to 20%
2 foot
21% and greater
5 foot
Contour interval may be adjusted based upon horizontal scale
with concurrence of the Township Engineer.
Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the bench mark
and a notation indicating the datum used.
Contours plotted by interpolation of Lancaster County GIS mapping
or LiDAR will only be accepted when there is no new construction or
earth disturbance proposed by the plan.
Contours plotted by interpolation of the United States Geodetic
Survey 7.5-minute mapping will not be accepted.
(2) The following items when located upon or within 200 feet of the tract:
The location and name of existing rights-of-way and cartways
for private or public streets, alleys and driveways.
The location and size of the following features and any related
right-of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants,
buildings, and stormwater collection, conveyance and management facilities.
The location and size of existing on-lot sewage systems and
The location of existing rights-of-way and easements for electric,
gas and oil transmission lines, and railroads.
Significant environmental or topographic features such as floodplains,
wetlands, quarry sites, solid waste disposal areas, historic structures,
cemetery or burial sites, archaeological sites, highly erosive soils,
or wooded areas.
The soils names and boundaries.
(3) The following items when located within the subject tract:
The size, capacity and condition of the existing stormwater
management system and any other facility that may be used to convey
storm flows.
The location and size of existing on-lot sewage systems and
The location and use of existing buildings and other man-made
Significant environmental or topographic features as identified
in the West Hempfield Township Comprehensive Plan including, but not
limited to:
Prime agricultural soils;
Underlying geology with any hazardous geology noted;
Solid waste disposal areas;
Cemetery or burial sites;
The location of wetlands and supporting data.
D. Proposed features and plan information. The following proposed features
and plan information shall be shown on all stormwater management site
plans and shall be shown on a separate sheet entitled "Proposed Features."
The proposed features and plan information shall be overlaid upon
a copy of the existing features plan. The existing features shall
be screened or shaded on the proposed features plan.
(1) The location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds,
streets including cartway and right-of-way widths, alleys, driveways,
common open space, recreational areas, and all other significant planned
(2) Easements and rights-of-way, including:
A minimum twenty-foot wide access easement around all stormwater
management facilities that would provide ingress from and egress to
a public right-of-way. Easements shall be provided to allow for the
collection and discharge of water, the inspection, maintenance, repair
and reconstruction of the drainage facilities, and the passage of
machinery for work.
Provisions for permanent access or maintenance easements for
all existing and proposed physical stormwater management facilities,
such as ponds and infiltration structures, as necessary to implement
the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan. All such agreements
shall be duly recorded in the Office of the Recorder Deeds and shall
constitute a binding permanent covenant upon the property, superior
to all liens of record and not subordinate to any easement or restriction
that would interfere with its provisions and the implementation thereof.
(3) Building setback line and building envelope.
(4) Identification of buildings to be demolished and all other features
to be removed.
(5) Stormwater management data and plans designed in accordance with
this chapter. This information may be provided on a sheet with other
data or on separate sheets and need not necessarily be recorded with
the final plan. In the case of any dispute in the methodology used
in the design of any stormwater management site plan and/or in the
presentation of such information, the Board of Supervisors shall make
the final determination on the design criteria, methodology and form
of presentation. The following information shall be included:
All calculations, assumptions, criteria, and references used
in the design of the stormwater management facilities, the establishment
of existing facilities capacities, and the pre- and post-development
All plans and profiles of the proposed stormwater management
facilities, including the horizontal and vertical location, size,
and type of material.
For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes
and discharge curves with corresponding water surface elevations,
inflow hydrographs, and outflow hydrographs.
The guidelines for lot grading within the subdivisions. This
information shall identify the direction of stormwater runoff flow
within each lot and the areas where stormwater runoff flows will be
concentrated. This information shall be shown by flow arrows or topographical
(6) A statement identifying the number of square feet of impervious coverage
for which stormwater management facilities have been designed for
each lot.
(7) A statement on the plan indicating the granting of a zoning amendment,
special exception or variance, if applicable, along with modifications
or waivers granted by the Board of Supervisors to sections of the
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance or this chapter.
(8) Where the proposed regulated activity is located partially or wholly
within an area prone to frequent flooding (either by impoundment or
conveyance) as indicated by the flood boundary and floodway map, profiles,
and supporting data, soil type or local historical record, the developer
shall supply the location and elevation of all proposed roads, fills,
utilities, buildings, stormwater management, and erosion control facilities.
(9) Location of all percolation test holes, deep probe holes and proposed
well locations.
Easements for the on-lot sewage replacement locations.
The location of all trees and/or woodlands on the site and location
of trees and/or woodland to be removed and trees and/or woodlands
to remain.
A detailed grading plan. The grading plan shall include finished
grades and ground floor elevations. This information may be provided
on separate sheets.
The location of all erosion and sedimentation control facilities.
Identification of any lands to be dedicated or reserved for
public, semi-public or community use.
In the case of a plan which requires access to a highway under
the jurisdiction of PennDOT, the inclusion of the following plan note:
"A Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to Section 420 of
the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the 'State
Highway Law,' before access to a state highway is permitted. Access
to the state highway shall be as authorized by a Highway Occupancy
Permit, and the Supervisor's approval of this plan in no way implies
that such a permit can be acquired."
A complete landscape plan showing the location, size and type
of all plant material required by provisions of this chapter or any
other applicable Township regulations, including, but not limited
to, all vegetated stormwater BMPs. The landscape plan should be provided
on separate sheets and must include the signature and seal of the
registered landscape architect responsible for preparation of the
plan. Invasive vegetation shall be avoided and native or naturalized
vegetation suitable to the soil and hydrologic conditions of the development
site shall be used unless otherwise specified in the BMP manual. The
limit of existing, native vegetation to remain shall be delineated
on the plan along with proposed construction protection measures.
A detailed schedule of inspections during construction, as generally
outlined as follows, which is tailored for the site under consideration.
The Township shall inspect all phases of the installation of
any temporary or permanent stormwater management facilities during
construction. The developer shall pay the cost of any such inspection.
The developer shall provide at least 24 hours' notice prior to the
start of construction of any improvements that are subject to inspection.
All inspections of completed items shall be requested, in writing,
at least 48 hours in advance of the inspection time and date.
It is generally required that the following phases of site construction
have mandatory inspection. This general list of phases may be amended
by mutual agreement of the Township and developer when the site requires
special construction procedures. The inspection schedule must be shown
on the approved stormwater management site plan.
General site construction.
Upon completion of preliminary site preparation including stripping
of vegetation, stockpiling of topsoil and construction of temporary
erosion and sedimentation control devices.
Upon completion of rough grading, but prior to placing topsoil,
permanent drainage, or other site development improvements and ground
During the construction of permanent stormwater management and
BMP facilities.
Upon the final completion of permanent stormwater management
and BMP facilities, including the establishment of ground covers and
After review of the as-built drawings, required by §
122-59, but prior to final release of the financial security for completion of final grading, vegetative controls required by the BMP standards, or other site restoration work.
In addition to the above outlined observations, additional observations
will be made at the request of the developer for reduction of financial
securities. Random observations may be made at the frequency desired
by the Township. At the time of any of the above listed observations,
all ongoing construction (i.e. storm drainage, grading, placement
of impervious surfaces, changes in ground cover, erosion control,
etc.) should also be checked for compliance with the approved plans
and the findings reported. Since the above inspections are mandatory,
it is recommended that requests for reduction of financial security
be submitted to coincide with the above inspections.
A note indicating that as-built plans will be provided for all
stormwater management facilities prior to occupancy, or the release
of financial security.