Areas designated as restricted open space shall be generally consistent with the Township Comprehensive Plan.
The location and layout of restricted open space shall be configured so as to serve residents adequately and conveniently and to promote conservation of the following resources to the greatest extent practicable:
Any area designated for "conservation" on the Future Land Use Map in the Township Comprehensive Plan.
Prime agricultural soils.
Scenic views from public roads and neighboring residential properties.
Mature trees and woodland tree masses, hedgerows, native flowering trees and shrubs, fencelines, rock outcoppings and other noted landscape features.
Lands adjoining and within 150 feet of any historic structure mapped in the Township Comprehensive Plan.
Lands mapped as areas of suspected archaeological significance in the Township Comprehensive Plan.
A portion of the designated restricted open space equal in area to no less than 15% of the gross tract area shall exclude areas comprised of designated flood hazard districts, wetlands, and slopes in excess of 25%. [This provision is designed to ensure that a portion of the open space land is appropriate for recreational purposes.]
No portion of the designated restricted open space shall be measured as contributing to the minimum required restricted open space area or to any open space utilized in calculation of any density bonus where:
Within 25 feet of any structure except structures devoted to permitted open space uses;
Extending less than 100 feet in the narrowest dimension at any point;
Comprising stormwater management facilities. At the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, areas devoted to stormwater management facilities may be included within the minimum required restricted open space area where the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Supervisors that such facilities are designed to:
Promote recharge of the groundwater system;
Be available and appropriate for active or passive recreational use or scenic enjoyment; and
Otherwise conform to the purposes, standards, and criteria for open space set forth in this article.
For example, a long low berm graded to reflect natural contour could be designed to: 1) blend into the scenic landscape; 2) permit passive recreational use over the top of it; 3) provide a relatively large linear area for seepage of stormwater into the groundwater system.
Subject to the provisions of measurement of minimum required open space stipulated herein, sewage service, stormwater management, and/or water supply facilities may be located entirely or partially within restricted open space areas. Where such facilities are so located, easements satisfactory to the Supervisors shall be established to require and enable maintenance of such facilities by the appropriate parties.
Areas designated for open space purposes may be used for any of the following:
Crop or pasture land, subject to submission of conservation plan approved by the Lancaster County Conservation District;
Woodland, meadow, wetlands, wildlife habitat, game preserve, or similar conservation-oriented area;
Public, common, or private park or outdoor recreation area;
Land application of wastewater, where permitted in accordance with the Township Sewage Facilities Plan, and where the Supervisors are satisfied that adequate provision(s) for the long-term management and maintenance of the wastewater system are guaranteed.
Open space shall be interconnected with open space areas on abutting parcels wherever possible including, where appropriate, provisions for pedestrian pathways for general public use to create linked systems within the Township.
Where deemed appropriate by the Supervisors, open space areas shall be provided with sufficient perimeter parking, and with safe and convenient access by adjoining street frontage or other rights-of-way or easements capable of accommodating pedestrian, bicycle, and maintenance and vehicle traffic, and containing appropriate access improvements.
At the discretion of the Supervisors, a portion of the required restricted open space may be utilized to meet the requirements of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to the extent such open space meets the specific requirements of that Ordinance.
Where development under the open space development option is planned to occur in two or more development phases, a proportionate amount of designated restricted open space shall be permanently recorded with each phase.
Except to provide for permitted open space uses, designated open space shall be restricted from further subdivision or development by deed restriction, conservation easement, or other agreement in a form acceptable to the Township and duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster County. Subject to such permanent restrictions, restricted open space land in any open space development may be owned by a homeowners' association, the Township, a land trust or other conservation organization recognized by the Township, or by a similar entity, or may remain in private ownership.
Offer of dedication.
The Township may, but shall not be required to, accept dedication in the form of fee simple ownership of restricted open space land provided:
Such land is accessible to the residents of the Township;
There is no cost of acquisition other than any costs incidental to the transfer of ownership such as title insurance and recording fees; and
The Township agrees to and has access to maintain such lands.
Where the Township accepts dedication of restricted open space land that contains improvements, the Supervisors may require the posting of financial security to ensure structural integrity of said improvements as well as the functioning of said improvements for a term not to exceed 18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication. The amount of financial security shall not exceed 15% of the actual cost of installation of said improvements.
Homeowners' association. The restricted open space land and associated facilities may be held in common ownership by a homeowners' association. The homeowners' association shall be formed and operated under the following provisions:
The developer shall provide a description of the homeowners' association including its bylaws and methods for maintaining the open space open space.
The homeowners' association shall be organized by the developer and operating with financial subsidization by the developer, before the sale of any lots within the development.
Membership in the homeowners' association shall be mandatory for all purchasers of homes therein and their successors. The conditions and timing of transferring control of the homeowners' association from the developer to homeowners shall be identified.
The homeowners' association shall be responsible for maintenance and insurance on common open space land, enforceable by liens placed by the homeowners' association. Maintenance obligations also may be enforced by the Township which may place liens to recover its costs. Any governmental body with jurisdiction in the area where the development is located may place liens on the owners of the open space to collect unpaid taxes.
The members of the homeowners' association shall share equitably the costs of maintaining and developing such common land. Shares shall be defined within the homeowners' association declaration or bylaws. Homeowners' association dues shall be structured to provide for both annual operating costs and to cover projected long-range costs relating to the repair of any capital facilities (which shall be deposited in a sinking fund reserved for just such purpose).
In the event of a proposed transfer, within the methods here permitted, of common open space land by the homeowners' association, or of the assumption of maintenance of such land by the Township, notice of such action shall be given to all property owners within the development.
The homeowners' association shall have or hire adequate staff to administer common facilities and properly and continually maintain the common open space land.
The homeowners' association may lease open space lands to any other qualified person, or corporation, for operation and maintenance of such lands, but such a lease agreement shall provide:
That the residents of the development shall at all times have access to the open space lands contained therein (except that access to land that is actively farmed shall be limited to times of the year with the fields are fallow);
That the common open space land to be leased shall be maintained for the purposes set forth in this ordinance; and
That the operation of open space facilities may be for the benefit of the residents only, or may be open to the residents of the Township, at the election of the developer and/or homeowners' association, as the case may be.
The lease shall be subject to the approval of the Board and any transfer or assignment of the lease shall be further subject to the approval of the Board. Lease agreements so entered upon shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster County within 30 days of their execution and a copy of the recorded lease shall be filed with the Secretary of the Township.
Homeowners' association documentation demonstrating compliance with the provisions herein shall be filed with the final subdivision and land development plans. At the time of preliminary plan submission, applicant shall provide draft homeowners' association documentation with sufficient detail to demonstrate feasible compliance with this section.
Condominiums. The restricted open space land and associated facilities may be held in common through the use of condominium agreement(s), approved by the Board of Supervisors. Such agreement shall be in conformance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act. All common open space land shall be held as "common elements" or "limited common elements." To the degree applicable, condominium agreement(s) shall comply with the provisions of § 1206.2B above, set forth for homeowners' associations. Condominium agreement(s) shall be filed with the final subdivision and land development plans. At the time of preliminary plan submission, applicant shall provide draft condominium agreement(s) with sufficient detail to demonstrate feasible compliance with this section.
Dedication of easements. The Township may, but shall not be required to, accept easements for public use of any portion of portions of restricted open space land, title of which is to remain in common ownership by condominium or homeowners association, provided:
Such land is accessible to Township residents;
There is no costs of acquisition other than any costs incidental to the transfer of ownership, such as title insurance; and
A satisfactory maintenance agreement is reached between the developer, condominium or homeowners association and the Township.
Transfer of easements to a private conservation organization. With the permission of the Township, an owner may transfer easements to a private, nonprofit, organization recognized by the Township, among whose purpose it is to conserve open space and/or natural resources, provided that:
The organization is acceptable to the Board of Supervisors and is a bona fide conservation organization with perpetual existence;
The conveyance contains appropriate provision for proper reverter or retransfer in the event that the organization becomes unwilling or unable to continue carrying out its functions; and
A maintenance agreement acceptable to the Board of Supervisors is entered into by the developer and the organization.
Private ownership of restricted open space. Restricted open space may be retained in ownership by the applicant or may be transferred to other private parties subject to compliance with all standards and criteria for restricted open space herein.
All or portions of the designated restricted open space, where permitted by the Board of Supervisors, may be included within or divided among one or more of the individual lots. Where deemed appropriate, the Supervisors may require that responsibility for maintenance of restricted open space be conferred upon and/or divided among the owners of one or more individual lots.
Any application for conditional use approval of the open space design option, under this article, shall contain a conceptual plan for the long term management of the restricted open space which is to be created as part of the development. Such a plan shall include a discussion of (1) the manner in which the restricted open space will be owned and by whom it will be managed and maintained; (2) the conservation, land management and agricultural techniques and practices which will be used to conserve and perpetually protect the restricted open space, including conservation plan(s) approved by the Lancaster County Conservation District where applicable; (3) the professional and personnel resources that will be necessary in order to maintain and manage the property; (4) the nature of public or private access that is planned for the restricted open space; and (5) the source of money that will be available for such management, preservation and maintenance on a perpetual basis. The adequacy and feasibility of this conceptual management plan as well as its compatibility with the open space resource protection objectives of § 1206.1 shall be a factor in the approval or denial of the conditional use application by the Board of Supervisors.
The conceptual management plan shall be transformed into a more detailed open space management plan and presented to the Township for review and approval with the preliminary subdivision and/or land development plan. The Supervisors may require that the management plan be recorded, with the final subdivision and land development plans, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster County. In order to allow for the changing needs inherent in the perpetual management of land, the management plan shall contain a provision to the effect that it may be changed by written application to the Board of Supervisors, so long as the proposed change is feasible and consistent with the purposes of preservation of open space set forth in this article and so long as the plan for such change avoids a likelihood of the obligation for management and maintenance of the land falling upon the Township without the consent of the Supervisors, and the approval of the Board of Supervisors in that regard shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
All landscape improvements, plantings, accessways, and recreational facilities within designated open space areas shall be provided by the developer as applicable. Financial security shall be required to cover costs of all installation of proposed improvements in the open space area. The financial security shall be in the same form and adhere to the same conditions as otherwise required for proposed improvements under the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 130, Subdivision and Land Development.
An appropriate portion of the financial security will be applied by the Township should the developer fail to install the planting or recreational facilities.