[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 1; as amended by Ord. 263, 6/13/2005]
The word "building," as used in this Part, shall mean any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 2]
The Borough Manager is hereby authorized and directed to draw up a numbering plan for the Borough of Dublin for all lots and buildings located in the Borough. Said numbering plan shall be based upon the lot lines as taken from the records of the Bucks County Taxing Authority. Said plan shall be submitted to the Borough Planning Commission for recommendations prior to final approval by Borough Council. Immediately following final approval by Borough Council, the final approved numbering plan shall become effective for the Borough of Dublin and shall remain on file at the Borough Office and be displayed openly in the Borough Hall. Any changes, modifications or amendments to said final numbering plan shall be submitted to the Borough Planning Commission for recommendations before final approval by Borough Council.
[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 3]
Immediately following final approval by Borough Council of the aforesaid numbering plan and enactment and adoption of this Part, the Borough Manager shall send to the owner of every lot upon which a building is located in the Borough a notice of a number assigned to such building, directing that such number be affixed to such building or elsewhere upon the property in the manner prescribed by this Part within 30 days of receipt of such notice. Any property owner who shall disregard or fail to comply with such notice, within the time limit stated therein, shall be guilty of a violation of this Part.
[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 4; as amended by Ord. 263, 6/13/2005]
Every building for which a street number has been assigned by the Borough shall have the appropriate number displayed and maintained in a location and size as to be readily seen and read from the closest public right of way. All street numbers shall be of Arabic characters a minimum of three inches in height, and 1/2 inch wide stroke. Structures that are set back more than 50 feet from the edge of pavement or curb, or any distance when the number cannot be easily seen from the right of way, shall also have the assigned street number attached to a post or mail box placed at the end of the drive way on the same side of the road as the structure is located. These numbers shall be at least three inches in height with 1/2 inch wide strokes, and shall be placed on both sides of the post or mail box at a minimum height of 35 inches above the top of curb elevation or 42 inches above the abutting roadway surface without curb so as numbers can be observed by vehicles approaching from either direction. All rural mailboxes established in accordance with the U.S. Postal Regulations shall also meet these minimum number height and placement requirements. All street numbers on a building shall be illuminated whenever possible. All street numbers shall be of a contrasting color to distinguish it from the background upon which the number is placed. No street numbers shall be attached, painted or placed upon any public curbs.
The property owner shall affix or renew all numbers that do not conform to the requirements of this section. In all cases of buildings occupied by other than the owner thereof, the responsibility for compliance with this Part is upon the owner or his duly authorized representative.
[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 5]
Whenever a building shall hereafter be erected in the Borough, the owner thereof shall forthwith apply to the Borough Manager for the official number thereof. The numbers shall be assigned by the Borough Manager in conformity with the requirements set forth in this Part for numbers for existing buildings and shall, within 30 days after being assigned to such building, be affixed by the owner thereof in the manner required by this Part in the case of existing buildings and shall thereafter be maintained as hereby required for the numbers of existing buildings.
[Ord. 94, 5/3/1971, § 6; as amended by Ord. 256, 5/24/2004]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.