[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 1]
The running at large of dogs, other pets, animals, chickens and other fowl within the Borough of Liberty shall be and the same is hereby prohibited.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 2]
Any dog, other pet, animal, chicken or other fowl shall be deemed to be running at large when said animal is on foot off the premises of the person, firm or corporation owning, keeping or harboring such animal without being restrained by a firmly attached leash or chain, not exceeding six feet in length, or in a cage or coop under the control of the owner, keeper or handler of such animal.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 3]
The police or other authorized representative of the Borough of Liberty are hereby authorized and empowered to seize and take possession of, on public or private property, any such dog, pet, other animal, chicken or other fowl permitted to run at large within the Borough of Liberty.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 4]
It shall be the duty of every police officer of the Borough of Liberty, and of other authorized representatives thereof, to seize and detain any dog running at large which bears a proper license tag, and to seize and detain any pet, other animal, chicken or other fowl, either upon the highways, streets or alleys of the Borough or upon property of other than the owner, keeper or harborer of such dog, pet, animal, chicken or other fowl. If the owner, keeper or harborer thereof be known, or his or her identity be discoverable through identification marking on a collar worn by any dog, pet, animal, chicken or other fowl, such owner, keeper or harborer shall be notified, either personally or by certified mail, to reclaim such animal within the period of 10 days after notice has been given. Any dog, pet, animal, chicken or other fowl so seized and detained shall be detained in a kennel or other impounding facility designated by the Borough of Liberty and shall be properly fed and watered. The owner of a dog, pet, animal, chicken or other fowl so detained shall pay all reasonable expenses incurred by reason of the detention of such animal before becoming entitled to the return of such animal. In the event the owner of such dog or other animal does not reclaim such animal and pay the reasonable charges hereinbefore provided for, within the time herein provided, any such animal other than a dog shall be sold for the benefit of the Borough of Liberty; any such dog shall be exterminated in a humane manner or be sold as other animals, for the benefit of the said Borough.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 6]
No person shall keep or allow to remain within the Borough of Liberty any dog or other animal which by frequent and continued howling, barking, crying, baying, yelping or other naturally produced sound shall disturb the peace, quiet and enjoyment of the neighborhood residents. The keeping of any such animal shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be a nuisance, as well as a violation of the provisions hereof.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 7]
No person shall keep or allow to remain on any premises within the Borough of Liberty, owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by him, or her or it, a total of more than two animals, dogs or otherwise.
[Ord. 446, 12/7/1994, § 8; as amended by A.O.]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.