Ord. 107
Adopting the sanitary sewers and the storm sewers and inlets in and underlying the public streets in the plan of lots known as Liberty Manor, Block No. 1, as recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County in Plan Book Volume 42, Pages 190, 191 and 192
Ord. 215
Ratifying and confirming, the letting of contracts for the excavation of trenching for a 6 inch water line and 16 inch storm sewer, and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof
Ord. 243
Authorizing the execution of a four-party agreement providing for the laying-out construction and use of certain joint sewer lines to be constructed as part of and in conjunction with a general sewage system, and further directing and authorizing certain officers of the Borough of Liberty to execute same
Ord. 244
Authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Borough of Liberty and the Municipal Authority of the City of McKeesport, County of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, providing therein for the treatment and disposal of sewage and acceptable industrial waste of the Borough of Liberty and its inhabitants and authorizing and directing the proper Borough officials to execute same
Ord. 245
To lay, construct, maintain, repair and replace sanitary sewer lines and the appurtenances thereof in streets, roads, alleys and rights-of-ways of the Borough of Liberty
Ord. 246
Approving the construction and estimated costs of additions to the sanitary sewage system in the Borough of Liberty by Liberty Borough Sewer Authority, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; approving the charging of the cost of construction by said Authority against the properties benefitted improved or accommodated thereby according to the benefits method
Ord. 247
Authorizing the conveyance of the Borough owned sanitary sewer system to Liberty Borough Sewer Authority, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and directing the proper officers of the Borough to make said conveyance
Ord. 248
Authorizing the execution and delivery of an agreement of lease between Liberty Borough Sewer Authority, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and the Borough of Liberty for a system of sanitary sewers and the establishment of the sewer system fund
Ord. 252
Ratifying and confirming the letting of a contract for the construction of 290 feet of concrete pipe storm sewer, and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof
Ord. 265
Authorizing the execution of a modification agreement between the Borough of Liberty and the Municipal Authority of the City of McKeesport, County of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, providing therein for amendments and additions to the service agreement previously entered into by the same parties for the treatment and disposal of sewage, etc.