[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957, § 1]
From and after the passage of this chapter the following districts shall be and are hereby established in said Borough and the following regulations for the purpose of regulating the use and occupancy of property for trade, industry, residence or other purposes and the location, use and occupancy of buildings or other structures and land designed for specified uses and regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings or other structures hereafter erected, reconstructed or altered and regulating and determining the area of yards, courts and other buildings or other structures hereafter to be erected, reconstructed or altered, shall be in full force and effect.
[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957, § 2]
This chapter shall be known as the "Zoning Ordinance" and the map herein referred to for all purposes of this chapter shall be known as the "Zoning District Map."
[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957; as amended by Ord. 319, 10/1/1975, § 1]
As part of its immediate region, southeastern Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Liberty Borough desires to support regional objectives, including the following:
Control of air and water pollution.
Provision of sewer and water facilities as economically as possible.
Provision of local parks.
Availability of adequate intercommunity mass transportation.
Halting the decay of older residential areas.
Revival of blighted commercial and industrial areas consideration for economic change.
Consistent with the foregoing, the objectives and goals of the Borough include:
Enrichment, maintenance and protection of established residential environments.
Support of quality residential growth.
Effective utilization and protection of marginal developable land areas for desirable public purposes.
A continuation of an efficient, economical and adequate level of community facilities and water and sewer utility services.
The provision of a decent, safe and sanitary dwelling for all Borough residents.
Improvement of Borough street access to regional and metropolitan road systems.
The abatement of industrial air pollution intrusions on the local environment.