[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957, § 14]
In "A" Residence Districts the following signs shall be permitted:
One name plate for each dwelling unit, attached to and parallel with the street wall of a building and not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in area.
One bulletin board per street for each church, cathedral or temple, each not exceeding 36 square feet in area; provided, however, that a bulletin board which is at right angles to the street or property line may be 30 square feet in area on each side.
Real estate signs, not exceeding for one property a total area of 12 square feet, appertaining to the prospective sale or rental of the premises on which such signs may be located.
Directional signs.
All signs and/or name plates in this district that are not attached to the wall of a building shall be set back at least 15 feet from any lot line; no sign shall be on the roof of a building; and, no sign attached to the wall of a building shall extend above the roof line, or project horizontally more than 12 inches therefrom.
One identification sign, not exceeding 12 square feet in area for each conforming multiple-family dwelling having four or more dwelling units, and for each conforming main building other than a dwelling.
[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957, § 15]
In Commercial Districts the following signs shall be permitted:
Name plates, real estate and directional signs, same as prescribed in "A" Residence Districts.
Identification sign limited in area to one square foot for every six lineal feet of frontage occupied, located only in yards abutting streets (one to each street frontage), erected to a height not less than 10 feet or more than 20 feet above the ground, and not projecting into a public street or way.
One identification sign limited in area to two square feet for each lineal foot of frontage occupied, but not exceeding 100 square feet in area, provided it shall pertain only to a use conducted within the building, shall be attached to a main wall of the building, project horizontally not more than 12 inches therefrom, and shall face the street which is the principal access to the building or may be similarly affixed to a side wall which abuts a parking area or which faces a side street if the entire sign is within 50 feet of the principal access street. In no case shall a sign project above the roof line.
Signs on and identifying the pumps of an automobile and gasoline service station.
Business sign, provided that when the sign is attached to the wall of a building it shall not project more than 12 inches over a public street or way.
Advertising sign, provided it shall be located so as to not project into a public street or way, nor extend above the roof line of any building to which it may be attached.
[Ord. 206, 4/15/1957, § 16]
General provisions regulating signs shall be as follows:
Any sign on the roof of a building shall not exceed a height of six feet.
In the case of business and advertising signs attached to a wall of a building, when the exposed portion of wall has an area of:
One thousand square feet or more, the total square foot area of signs shall not exceed 25% of the area of said exposed portion of wall.
Less than 1,000 square feet and more than 250 square feet, the provisions of Subsection 1B(1) above shall apply if there is more than one sign, but a single sign shall be permitted not exceeding 250 square feet in area.
Two hundred and fifty square feet or less, the provisions of Subsection 1B(1) above shall apply if there is more than one sign, but a single sign shall be permitted not exceeding the size of said exposed portion of wall.
Billboards are hereby prohibited and specifically excluded in all districts.
In the case of a sign not attached to the wall of a building, the lettered, pictorial or sculptured matter designed to convey information shall not exceed a total of six feet in height.
Any sign, except a direction sign, whether or not nonconforming by reason of location in a particular district, shall be held to be nonconforming if it projects into or overhangs any public street or other public property more than 12 inches.
The requirements of this Part shall not be held to prohibit the erection of a marquee or canopy, provided, such marquee does not bear advertising matter contrary to the provisions herein.
No occupancy permit is required for a sign meeting the requirements of this chapter, which does not exceed three square feet in area.