[Adopted 11-16-1982 by Ord. No. 420]
The Mayor and Council formally recognize the existence of the Civil Service Commission of the Borough of Sharpsburg.
The Borough of Sharpsburg Civil Service Commission has previously operated and conformed with the Borough Code regarding formation and procedures for operation of a civil service commission.
The present members of the Civil Service Commission shall remain as members of the Civil Service Commission to the completion of their appointed terms.
All future appointments to the Civil Service Commission shall be made pursuant to the Borough Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1170 et seq.
The organization, operation, future and duties of the Civil Service Commission of the Borough of Sharpsburg shall conform with the Borough Code.
The Civil Service Commission shall have the power to prescribe, amend and enforce any rules and regulations enacted by the Civil Service Commission.