It is the intent, purpose and scope of this Part 12 to provide for the designation of fire lanes wherever it appears that any vehicle or other impediment may create a hazard by impeding the free movement of firefighting equipment anywhere within the Borough of Sharpsburg on public or private property.
As used in this Part 12, "impediment" means any object which may obstruct firefighting equipment.
It is hereby established that Short Alley shall be designated as a fire lane within the Borough of Sharpsburg.
Council shall have the power to designate fire lanes anywhere within the Borough of Sharpsburg, on public or private property, where it deems that vehicle congestion may create a hazard by impeding the free movement of firefighting equipment. The Director-Fire Marshal of the Fire Department shall recommend to Council those locations that should be considered for fire lanes. Council may accept the recommendations of the Director-Fire Marshal and acceptance shall be made at public meetings by motion and vote thereon. The Director-Fire Marshal shall consult with the Police Department or any other Borough agency or consultant in making such recommendations. Such fire lanes shall be marked in such a fashion as to indicate their location and shall be posted with no-parking signs including "Towing Zone" on such signs. Parking shall be prohibited within the designated fire lanes, and towing of vehicles authorized when indicated to provide adequate fire lanes.
The Director-Fire Marshal shall prescribe and issue all forms necessary for the administration of this Part 12 and may adopt and enforce regulations relating to any matter pertaining to the administration of this Part 12, including, but not limited to, the imposition and collection of fines for violations. The Director-Fire Marshal may designate the Police Department to enforce this Part 12, either singly or in conjunction with each other.
When a fire lane designation is made on private property, the owner of such property must designate such fire lanes by proper painted lane markers, curb paintings and erection of no-parking signs, including "Towing Zone" on such signs. The no-parking signs, curb markings and curb painting requirements shall be set by the Director-Fire Marshal.
No person shall park or leave a vehicle, or permit a vehicle to be parked or left, within a designed fire lane, nor shall the owner of any impediment leave or permit the impediment to be left within a designated fire lane.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this Part 12 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of $15 plus costs of prosecution.