[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 1]
A Commission to be known as the Dublin Borough Planning Commission is hereby created and established, subject to the right of Borough Council, at any time by ordinance, to abolish such Commission. Any previously appointed Borough Planning Commission is hereby abolished.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 2]
The Commission shall consist of five members. All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed by Borough Council for necessary and reasonable expenses. However, appointed officers or employees of the Borough shall not, by reason of membership on the Commission, forfeit the right to exercise the powers, perform the duties or receive the compensations of the Borough offices held by them during membership on the Commission.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 3]
All members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Borough Council. The term of each of the members of the Commission shall be for four years, or until his successor is appointed and qualified. However, in the first instance two members of Commission shall be appointed for one year each, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years, and, annually thereafter, members of said Commission shall be appointed for a term of four years. The Chairman of the Commission shall promptly notify Borough Council concerning vacancies in the Commission, and such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 4]
All of the members of the Commission shall be residents of the Borough. At least three of the members shall be "citizen members," that is, shall not be officers or employees of the Borough during their term of office on the Commission.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 5]
Any member of the Commission once qualified and appointed may be removed from office for malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office or for other just cause by a majority vote of Borough Council, taken after the member has received 15 days' advance notice of Borough Council's intent to take such a vote. A hearing shall be held in connection with the vote if the member shall request it in writing.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 6]
The Commission shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman and create and fill such other offices as it may determine. Officers shall serve annual terms and may succeed themselves. The Commission shall keep a full record of its business and shall annually make a written report by March 1 of each year of its activities to Borough Council. The Commission shall meet monthly and/or at the call of its Chairman. Regular meetings shall be open to the public.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 7]
The Commission shall have the power and shall be required to:
Review and maintain an up to date comprehensive plan for the development of the Borough.
Maintain and keep on file records of its action. All records and files shall be maintained in the possession of Borough Council.
Review and maintain an up to date official map of the Borough, including existing and proposed public streets, water courses, public grounds, etc., and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed changes in such map.
Review and maintain an up to date zoning ordinance, and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed amendments.
Prepare and administer subdivisions and land development regulations for the Borough, and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed amendments; further, until such time as Borough Council adopts a subdivision ordinance to receive and consider at a regular public meeting any and all proposed subdivision and/or land developments plans, making appropriate recommendations to Borough Council.
Prepare and administer planned residential development regulations for the Borough, and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed amendments.
Review and maintain an up to date building code for the Borough and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed amendments.
Promote public interest in, and understanding of, the comprehensive plan and purpose of municipal planning generally.
[Ord. 87, 1/5/1970, § 8]
The Commission may, after obtaining prior approval of Borough Council, accept and utilize any funds, personnel or other assistance made available by the county, the commonwealth or the federal government or any of their agencies, or from private sources. The Borough Council may employ administrative and/or technical consultants to assist the Commission in carrying out its responsibilities herein.