[Ord. 200, 8/6/1990, Subpart D; as amended by Ord. 256, 5/24/2004]
The intent of this part is to control private excavations in response to, and private connections to Borough streets and rights-of-way. These standards are intended to be the same as those published as regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. In the absence of a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standard, good engineering practice shall be the standard.
Permit Required. Before any private excavation, repair to, or connection to a Borough street or right-of-way is designed, constructed, reconstructed, or implemented, the person proposing such work shall apply for a permit together with the required deposit on the fee, plus all of the required documentation which is required of an applicant to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The required fee deposit shall be in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council. The actual fee shall be determined by the cost of engineering/legal review, and the appearance in any proceedings by the Engineer and/or Solicitor. In the event of a dispute, the Engineer shall make a determination, which may be appealed to Borough Counsel under the Local Agency Law, 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 105 et seq. Any excess deposit (over $25) not required to cover legal/engineering expenses incurred by the Borough, shall be refunded, without interest.