[R.O. 2003 § 380.230; CC 1997 § 91.010]
No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be moved or operated on any highway, street or alley in the City of Gallatin, Missouri, having a greater weight than that prescribed under Section 304.180, RSMo., as amended, which Section is incorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth.
[R.O. 2003 § 380.240; CC 1997 § 91.020]
No vehicle or combination of vehicles having a greater width, height or length than that prescribed under Section 304.170, RSMo., shall be moved or operated on any highway, street or alley in the City of Gallatin, Missouri, having a greater weight than that prescribed under Section 304.180, RSMo., as amended, which Sections are incorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth.
[R.O. 2003 § 380.250; CC 1997 § 91.030]
No truck shall be operated on any street with a gross weight in excess of the weight for which the said truck has been duly licensed by the State.
[R.O. 2003 § 380.260; CC 1997 § 91.040]
Upon the request of any Police Officer or member of the Division of Streets, the operator of any vehicle shall permit such vehicle with its load, if any, to be weighed on the spot by the use of Loadometer or other weighing device; or if such Police Officer or member shall so request, shall forthwith convey such vehicle and load, if any, to the nearest City scale or public scale to be designated by such Police Officer or member for the purpose of establishing the weight and load of such vehicle; and if the weight thus established is in excess of the maximum weights herein limited, such excess load shall be unloaded before such vehicle may proceed.
[R.O. 2003 § 380.270; CC 1997 § 76.621; Ord. No. 929-99 § 76.621, 6-14-1999]
No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be moved or operated on any highway within the City limits of Gallatin having a greater weight than that described in Section 370.240, provided that the Governing Body and State Highway and Transportation Commission or their legal agents for their respective jurisdictions, whenever by thawing or frost, rains, or soft conditions, or other causes, reconstruction and maintenance, adverse critical weather conditions, or other causes detrimental to the surface or physical condition of such highways in the City, are hereby authorized to limit the weights described under this Section to such an amount and in such manner as will preserve their economical use by the general public. When posted or marked, it shall be unlawful to transport any gross load in excess of the posted notice, and in addition to conviction and punishment for an ordinance violation, the registered owner of any such vehicle shall be held liable in any court of competent jurisdiction for destructive damages to the surface and physical conditions pertaining by an action of the State, City or any interested person. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of an ordinance violation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Section 304.240, RSMo., and the same rates of punishment shall apply where weights are limited in excess of those posted as apply to those exceeded under Section 304.180, RSMo.