[R.O. 2003 § 500.020; CC 1997 § 42.010]
Within the City limits of the City of Gallatin it shall be unlawful to construct or alter any building, structure or trailer home when the exterior dimensions are changed, when the cost of such construction/alteration exceeds one hundred dollars ($100.00), or if utility service is effected in any way, regardless of the cost of the construction, without having first secured a permit therefor.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.030; CC 1997 § 42.020]
Application shall be made to the Zoning Administrator on forms to be furnished by the City and shall be accompanied by such other plans and specifications showing the work to be done as may be specified in writing by the City. Such plans shall be verified by the signature of either the owner of the premises to be constructed or by the architect or contractor in charge of the operations.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.040; CC 1997 § 42.030]
It shall be unlawful to vary materially from the submitted application, plans and specifications unless such variations are approved in an amended application or plan presented to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.050; CC 1997 § 42.040]
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall make or cause to be made such inspections as are necessary to see to the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter and thus to assure that the construction/alteration is in conformity with the application and plans and specifications.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.060; CC 1997 § 42.050]
The fee for building permits for repairs, construction or additions to buildings, structures or mobile homes shall be as follows:
Projects in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00):
Residential: two dollars ($2.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of building cost.
Non-profit organization: two dollars ($2.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of building cost.
Commercial: three dollars ($3.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of building cost.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.070; CC 1997 § 42.100]
It shall not be necessary to secure a building permit to alter, repair or change the interior of any residential building, provided the proposed alteration will not change the existing use and occupancy thereof. Also, it will not be required to secure a building permit for fences or satellite dishes but these shall require an inspection to insure that utility service is not effected, including placement on utility easements.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.080; CC 1997 § 42.110]
In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted or any building, structure or land used in violation of this Chapter, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, in addition to other remedies, may institute any proper action or proceedings in the name of the City of Gallatin.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.090; CC 1997 § 42.120]
The Board of Aldermen shall have the power to approve building permits that do not comply with Section 500.110 in special circumstances if so requested by the property owner, his/her agent or contractor. All such requests shall be considered on an individual basis and the granting of any exception to this Code shall not set a precedent requiring approval of all requests for exceptions to this Chapter.