[R.O. 2003 § 500.100; CC 1997 § 42.060]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
A combination of materials to form a construction or portion thereof that is safe and stable and adapted to permanent or continuous occupancy for assembly, business, education, high hazard, industrial, institutional, mercantile, residential or storage purposes; for the purposes of this Chapter, each portion of a structure separated from other portions by a fire wall shall be considered a separate building.
Contiguous property owned by one (1) property owner set up by the owner so that two (2) or more trailers, each having a separate electrical supply and meter, may be located on the property, spacing to be per Section 500.110(B). For the purposes of this Subsection, all such trailer parks, as defined above, proposed to be set up after September 17, 1990, shall require a building permit stating such purpose.
A factory-built structure or structures more than eight (8) feet in width equipped with the necessary service connections and made to be suitable for year-round occupancy and made so as to be readily moveable as a unit or units on its or their own running gear designed to be used as a dwelling unit or units without permanent foundation. The phrase "without a permanent foundation" indicates that the support system is constructed with the intent that the mobile home placed thereon may be moved from time to time at the convenience of the owner.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.110; CC 1997 § 42.070]
Buildings. Every building placed on location within the corporate limits of the City of Gallatin, Missouri, (except for that area lying between North Street on the north, Daviess Street on the west, Van Buren Street on the south, and Adams Street on the east) shall require a building permit and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the boundary line of the lot upon which the same is situated, and at least ten (10) feet from any other building located on the same lot, and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any utility line or at least five (5) feet from any utility easement.
Trailers. Any trailer (mobile home) placed on location within the City limits of Gallatin shall require a building permit and shall be located at least twenty (20) feet from the boundary line of the lot upon which the same is situated, and at least ten (10) feet from any building or trailer located on the same or any other lot, and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any utility line or at least five (5) feet from any utility easement. These provisions shall apply to any trailer, new or previously owned, which is placed upon any lot within the City limits of Gallatin after the effective date of this Section.
Fire Hazard And Nuisances. The constructing, placing or locating of any such building or trailer in violation of Section 500.110 of this Chapter is and shall be deemed and declared to be a fire hazard and a nuisance and as such shall be punishable as an ordinance violation.
[R.O. 2003 § 500.120; CC 1997 § 42.090]
Any person, firm or corporation owning or occupying a building or trailer who shall hereafter construct, place or locate such building or trailer in violation of Section 500.110 of this Article or who shall permit the same to remain located in violation of Section 500.110 of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in accordance with Section 100.220 of this Code. That each day any such building or trailer is permitted to remain located in violation of this Article shall constitute and be considered a distinct and separate offense and violation of this Article, and the owner or occupant of such building or trailer permitting such location shall be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment for each such day.