[R.O. 2003 § 720.010; CC 1997 § 114.010; Ord. No. 1150-15 § 1, 12-15-2015]
No person except the Mayor, City Administrator, or duly authorized employees or contractors shall attach any wire to the primary or secondary lines, install any such lines or turn on the electrical service to any building, residence, dwelling house or premises of any kind whatever, and no person shall in any manner take or use service furnished by the City without first applying therefor and receiving a permit to do so. All new service locations must also pay a connection fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) plus the cost of materials.
[R.O. 2003 § 720.020; CC 1997 § 114.020]
Each consumer of electrical service shall be required to furnish, install and maintain a proper size, approved, standard, enclosed, fused, externally operated meter entrance switch trimmed and sealed to the meter, connected to the City's service wires by wires protected throughout their entire length by an unbroken iron conduit, properly secured to a meter switch and terminating at the outer end with approved conduit. All to be without expense whatever to the City and to be installed in accordance with the rules and requirements of the Electric Code of the City.
[R.O. 2003 § 720.030; CC 1997 § 114.030; Ord. No. 1294-22, 10-11-2022]
All expenses necessary for either work or material to wire any building or premises of any kind, including all fixtures for light, cooking, heat, power, signs and appliances and for the maintenance and repair of all such wiring and other equipment, shall be borne and paid for by the owner or occupant (the "consumer") of such building or premises, and all such wiring and the connecting of all fixtures, stoves, motors, signs and appliances must be done in accordance with the rules and requirements of the Electrical Code of the City in effect at the time such work is done. The City will furnish, install, and maintain all necessary poles, wires, wire holders, meters, and other equipment, for electrical service to the building or premises to be served, at the expense of the City, provided that when electrical service is furnished to any consumer for thirty (30) days or less, consumer shall be required to pay all the expenses for the installation and removal of all equipment incident and necessary to the furnishing of such service. The size, number, and location of all meters necessary for any building or premises of any kind is to be determined by the Mayor and may be removed by the City at any time for any cause. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of the building or premises to provide space for, to protect, and avoid damage to, all such poles, wires, wire holders, meters, and other electrical equipment on such building or premises from injury or damage of any kind. In the event of damage to any property of the City caused by the consumer, or its employees, agents, contractors, or invitees, then the consumer shall promptly pay the City for such damage, and in the event the consumer does not pay the City for such damage within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice by the City, then, in addition to any other remedy of the City, the City will add the cost for such damage to the electric bill of the consumer and the cost will be due with the next such electric bill unless the consumer makes arrangements for installment payments with the City. Failure to pay for such damage added to the electric bill will subject to all billing procedures in Section 700.110 of the City Code.
All service lines and meters shall be located where most convenient for the service to be furnished and the locating and installing of all such lines and meters shall be determined and done under the direction and general supervision of the Mayor. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to mean that the City will furnish, install, or maintain any underground service to any building, dwelling house or premises of any kind whatever.
[R.O. 2003 § 720.040; CC 1997 § 114.040]
Electric meter and entrance switches shall be kept sealed and service shall be cut off from any house, building or premises where seals or the meter or wiring shows traces of having been tampered with. Any person who shall connect or disconnect or in any way molest or tamper with any electric wire in the City without authority from the Mayor shall be guilty of an ordinance violation. Where the identity of the person who has molested a seal, a meter or a wire is not otherwise proven, the consumer to whom the electric service is being furnished through such meter or wire shall be held responsible.
[R.O. 2003 § 720.050; CC 1997 § 114.050]
No person shall hitch or tie any horse or any other animal or in any manner attach any placard, notice, bill or advertisement of any kind whatever to any pole, standard, wire, fixture, transformer or property of any kind whatever belonging to the City electrical system.
No person shall erect, build, place or install or plant, grow or permit to grow or cause to be built or place any pole, wire, building of any kind, tree, shrub, vine or undergrowth or anything of any kind whatever that shall touch or interfere with any wire or other equipment belonging to the City electric plant, or over any part of any street, alley, sidewalk or parkway in the City so as to in any manner interfere with the electric service and where any such obstruction to the operation or building of any line necessary or convenient for the transmission of electricity of the electric plant is found, it may be removed by employees of the City with as little damage to property as necessary.
No person shall in any way hinder, prevent or obstruct the operation of the City's electric plant or any part thereof.
[R.O. 2003 § 720.060; Ord. No. 1263-21, 5-24-2022]
The Board of Aldermen, from time to time, by duly adopted resolution, will set the electric rates[2] and other charges for the Electric Department of the City.
Editor's Note: As to utility billing for multi-unit buildings, § 700.270.
Editor's Note: Electric rates are held on file in the City offices.