[Adopted 6-6-1995 as § 26.5 of the 1995 Code]
[Amended 3-5-2019]
The holding of boxing and/or wrestling exhibitions or bouts within the City of Rochester, under license issued by the New Hampshire Boxing and Wrestling Commission and permit issued by the Licensing Board of the City of Rochester, is hereby permitted and authorized, subject to the provisions of the statutes of the State of New Hampshire relating to athletic exhibitions. No permit for the holding of boxing and/or wrestling exhibitions or bouts within the City of Rochester shall be issued by the Licensing Board unless the place for holding such exhibition or bout shall have been approved by majority vote of the City Council. After issuance by the Licensing Board, the City Council may revoke or suspend said permit after hearing for any cause which the Council may deem sufficient. The fee for such permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.) per day.