No existing right or remedy shall be lost, impaired, or affected by reason of this chapter.
The Mayor shall promptly cause a copy of this chapter, and a copy of any amendment to this chapter, to be posted publicly and conspicuously in each building under the Village's control. The code shall be posted within 10 days following the date on which the code takes effect. Any amendment to this chapter shall be posted within 10 days following the date on which the amendment takes effect.
The Mayor shall promptly cause a copy of this chapter, including any amendments to the code, to be distributed to every person who is or becomes an officer, employee or independent contractor of the Village.
The failure to post this chapter or any amendment to the code shall not affect either the applicability or enforceability of the code or the amendment. The failure of a Village officer or employee to receive a copy of this chapter or an amendment to this chapter shall not affect either the applicability or enforceability of the Code of Ethics or amendment to the code.